Chapter 2 - Of Love and Politics

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"She knows something." His index finger playing around his lower lip Niccolò Veneri thoughtfully squinted his eyes at the only female figure who caught his attention this night. Conveniently situated at the closest table to the door and wearing an Adriatic-blue dress that strongly contrasted with the dark brown furniture of the establishment, Giulietta Rerieri clearly made a point of catching everyone's eye.

"Judging by the length of this conversation, the only thing she knows is what mask she'd like to wear to the ball." His brother mockingly imitated Niccolò's posture and added with a conspiratorial whisper: "But she hasn't made her final decision yet, so everything is still possible."

Niccolò remained silent, choosing not to acknowledge the teasing of his younger brother. Tiredly, he sighed, gesturing to the girl at his side to leave. There were only few things in life he hated more than this place. For all he knew, no man should ever have to pay for the attention of a woman, but society dictated other rules.

"Those are women brother," Lorenzo tried again, more serious this time, "they simply have other priorities in life. And while they'd do anything for love and a pair of pretty shoes, their concern does not extend to politics."

The confidence in his voice surprised Niccolò, making him wonder if the third of Veneri children really was this naïve. He finally tore his eyes from Giulietta and gave his brother a pretentiously curious glace. 

"So how, in your eternal wisdom, do you explain the fact that she is always able to adequately react to any changes in trade, despite having no seat in the council? Oh, wait, there is more to it. Stubborn as she is, she even dismissed her late father's advisor as soon as she took over the House. So, by all means, tell me where she gets her information from?"

Unsurprisingly, Lorenzo's attention span reached its limit, as his mind drifted away, disregarding his brother's monologue. Niccolò tried his best to remain patient, defeatedly looking through the big dirty window at the nighty streets of the city. At eighteen years of age, the boy was still young and thrilled by the pleasures of the place – an excitement that Niccolò recognized from his friends, but never shared.

"So what, she pays off someone from the council to keep her informed. Nothing that hasn't been done before," Lorenzo carelessly shrugged with one shoulder, while his eyes were flirting with a dark-haired beauty next to the patron at another table.

Thoughtfully Niccolò nipped on his wine as his mistrusting gaze returned to the single spot of colour in the Salon. The warm, yellow candlelight wasn't bright enough to illuminate the entire room, keeping it in semidarkness, though contributing to the rising temperature that contrasted with the winterly chill outside.

Giulietta sat with her back turned to him, so he couldn't see her face but only her raven black hair artfully knotted on the left side of her head with a few locks playfully flowing down her neck. And yet, judging by her body language, he could imagine she looked as pleased as when she closed the deal with his supplier before he could extend his contract last week.

"That was my initial thought as well," he finally admitted. "Until she rerouted her ships even before the council ruled to raise taxes on-" he interrupted himself, realising he was just wasting his breath on Lorenzo's ignorance. Instead, he focused his attention on a grim suspicion that germinated in his mind for a while now and cried to be released into the world. "She must be getting her information straight from the source of all this scheming," he assuredly mumbled to himself.

To his surprise, his brother laughed sincerely amused: "According to your logic, all women have one shared intelligence that they use with the sole purpose of plotting against you."

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