Chapter 4 - Of Juno and Jupiter

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Shamrock-green floral print on the cream-coloured wallpaper covered the walls of the spacious chamber. The enormous bay window let the early-morning sun rays pour into the room, illuminating it in soft golden light. A massive oak desk was situated in front of the window facing the large, neatly arranged garden, which impressed every visitor with its lush flora during the summertime though currently, it presented a rather sad view as it was in deep winter sleep.

Her cheeks still red from the chilly morning walk, Giustina sat at the desk, her fingers carelessly playing with the feather quill without paying any attention to it. Full of focus and anticipation her eyes were trained on the rhythmically moving lips of the young woman standing in front of her. A small smile sneaked into the corner of her own lips as she realised with pleasure that she fluently got through the first part.

The lips stopped moving when a pair of insecure dark eyes looked at her silently, asking for permission to go on. Impatiently, Giustina gestured to continue.

"Wistfully longing for the love of her consort,
His charged scent, his strong arms as they soothe,
Providing her with a familiar comfort-"

Frustrated, Giustina snatched the small piece of paper from the surprised girl without letting her finish the last line. Interrogating, she starred at the dried curvy letters – who knew that consort and comfort didn't rhyme?

Hopeful, she was waiting the entire morning for a kiss from her muse, but this whimsical lady apparently preferred to sleep in today. Giustina's eyes found the old wall clock and she grimaced. Frankly, if she was a muse, she would be sound asleep that instance as well.

With a disappointed sigh and a last longing look into the garden, she pushed the paper away and got up. It was time to come downstairs anyway.

As the young girl walked down the wide winding staircase into the parlour, she was almost certain she could feel the floor tremble beneath her feet. Confused, she stopped on the last step, catching sight of her two older sisters who were obviously arguing, not noticing her presence in the room. Trying to understand what was going on, she observed the scene.

Both girls were perfectly dressed and styled, though the dark circles underneath their eyes indicated that neither of them got much sleep lately.

Giulietta's simple cornflower-blue dress gracefully swayed when she got up from her chair, closing the short distance to Peppina. Her clenched jaw and the angrily furrowed dark eyebrows distorted the girl's youthful face. It broke Giustina's heart seeing her sister burdened by her heavy title ever since their father died, so sometimes she just wished to embrace her. Yet, she never dared.

Meanwhile, Peppina stiffly stood near the piano, barely moving from her spot. Her distinctive copper-red locks started to free themselves from her artfully tied hair, barely reaching her shoulders. Giustina wasn't sure if people still called her middle sister Peppina or if she already outgrew this name but in her head, Giustina kept calling her by the name she used when they played together as children. Seeing Giuseppina in front of her now, it was hard to believe that this girl was once a child as well.

"... can forget about that. Under no circumstances will you dare to marry me off to some puffed up slug," Peppina's lips moved forcefully as she spat out every word. Her tired features displayed nothing but pure disgust. "If you wish to secure your position, be my guest and marry him yourself. I am certainly not your puppet," the girl continued.

With an annoyed exhale, Giulietta intensively massaged her temple, leading Giustina to believe, they have been over this topic already.

"What will it take for you to understand that all I do serves the single purpose to protect and preserve this House - you and Giustina!" Frustration crept into her face as Giulietta seemingly cried out.

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