Chapter 5 - Masked Intentions

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"This ball is as anonymous as a sleeping chamber absent of curtains," Peppina commented dryly, peeking through the window of the carriage as they waited for their turn to drive up to the palace entrance.

Giulietta followed her sister's gaze only to see people streaming into the palace from every possible direction. The guards at the doors barely cared to look at the invitations as countless guests flooded through the gates, wearing the most exquisite fabrics and jewels – each competing for the attention of the beholder's eye. Nonetheless, Giuseppina was right, despite the endless variety of masks, most of them were barely suited to serve their core purpose.

There is no gain in concealing one's identity tonight.

Giulietta turned her attention back to her sister whose own face hid behind the masterpiece of gemstones, red fabric, and an elegant construction on her left side that transitioned from the mask to a delicate headwear, making it appear like a butterfly's wing.

She gave Peppina a teasing smile: "The only purpose this mask serves is to disguise your frown when you are dancing with a man. If you remain silent and nod, you might trick them to believe that you are a pleasant company." Giulietta instantly regretted her harsh words, internally swearing about her catastrophic ability to show support.

Peppina's eyebrows wandered to her hairline, as she digested her sister's words.

"If you say so," she snapped back, her voice vibrating of challenge.

Giulietta wished their mother was there to take over that sort of conversation, but as usually Flavia insisted on skipping the official reception, only condescending to make an appearance once the festivity started. This time, she was even more resolute than usual to arrive in separate carriages, probably to spare Giustina the social rounds. The ball alone was likely to be an overwhelming experience for their youngest sister.

This way, it was up to Giulietta to escort Peppina to the ball and introduce her to the Doge's family.

As giving inspirational speeches did not belong to Giulietta's strengths, she quickly switched the strategy to what she could do best: giving instructions. "There is a dancing list afore readied by Cecilia for the boy that dictates who he is to dance with and in what order. Your name is not likely to be on it. Yet."

Peppina remained silent, stubbornly looking out of the window as their carriage moved forward and came to hold again.

Giulietta sighed, starring down at her own deep-blue mask that sparkled between her hands. She realised, Peppina had always been a free spirit, struggling with rules and authority, even when their father was alive. But ever since Giulietta took over the House, the girl became even more rigid, refusing to take on the role, which was expected of a woman in society.

"You are lucky to be more privileged than any other woman that ever walked this earth!" Peppina kept accusing Giulietta, remaining blind to the consequences which came with wearing a title that was strictly reserved for men from the beginning of times.

The carriage moved forward again so that they were next in line to exit. Giulietta dropped the mask on her lap and leaned forward to her sister, gently enclosing Peppina's hand in her own: "I trust you to act reasonable tonight. Leave the rest up to me. I will guard you against any unpleasant advances, do you hear me?"

Despite her dislike of physical contact, Peppina didn't pull her hand. A spark of surprise swept over her eyes, so quickly, Giulietta wasn't sure she saw it right. Reluctantly the girl nodded.

As they sat in the small box across from each other, their dark-blue and scarlet-red skirts intertwined, creating an image of a winter sunset in the waters of the Adriatic Sea. For a moment, the sisters dwelled in complete silence, holding hands as each was fighting her own demons behind her eyes. Then suddenly, the carriage jerked for the last time, breaking the spell between them.

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