Chapter 6 - Of Knights and Jokers

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"Welcome!" The leader of the Republic addressed his guests celebratory. "And thank you all for accepting our invitation to this delightful festivity." Despite his age, the voice of the man sounded strong and confident, reaching every corner of the large room. "The Carnival of Venice has a long-lasting tradition and the legends of our divine festivities have travelled the world for centuries. So let us honour traditions and celebrate like our ancestors did long before us and our descendants will long after we are gone!" He paused, inspecting the guests who looked up to their leader in silent amazement.

"Herewith, I officially pronounce the Carnival Season 1793 open!"

A loud cheer erupted from the audience, as people celebrated the opening of Venetian's favourite season. After an appropriate amount of time, it stopped, allowing the Doge to continue his announcement.

"I am getting too old for such festivities," he laughed forcefully, which his audience politely mimicked. "Therefore, my grandson, Antonio Alvise Grimani will open this ball with the first dance together with our honoured guest Princess Mariana of Portugal!"

Spellbound, in complete silence the guests watched the young heir lead the princess to the centre of the room where they waited for the string quartet to start.

Everyone's eyes riveted the girl in the black-and-white dress, but Giulietta barely took any interest. Cecilia would need support from a family within the republic, so this opening dance was just a matter of formality.

Instead, she let her eyes scan through the visitors, looking for a potential dance partner for her sister when she spotted a young man around her age approaching them with a military stiffness.

"Patrizia, may I obtain your permission to ask your sister for the first dance?" He shot, bowing before Giulietta and Peppina.

A little startled but pleasantly impressed by his manners, Giulietta smiled warmly. Now, from such a close distance, she could recognise Angelo, the third child from the House Cornaro.

Ashamed, Giulietta pushed aside the sting of surprise that Peppina was asked right away for the first dance. But a healthy demand for her attention will only increase her value on the marriage market, she rationalised the situation, suppressing a glance to Cecilia.

"As long as my sister has no objections, I have none of mine, Angelo."

This reply earned her a puzzled look from Peppina but with a quick curtsy, the girl accepted the stretched hand, allowing him to lead her to the filling dancing formation.

Absentmindedly, Giulietta watched the pairs that looked like they were floating over the ground. It has been a while since she danced with someone, but who could blame them?

What respected gentleman would leave his family only to subordinate to a woman?

A shiver ran down her spine, and she shook her head to free it from the thoughts of self-pity. Now was not the time. Longing for a distraction, she looked through Cecilia's retinue in hopes to find Alessia's familiar face, but in vain. The girl was likely to be working in one of the rooms upstairs, watching upon Antonio's younger sisters.

"Rerieri," A raspy voice tore her from her thoughts, almost making her jump. "I trust you enjoy yourself," the speaker continued without waiting for her reply. "It must not be an easy task to escort your sister to such an event in absence of your father. Allow me to assure you that he is deeply missed by the entire council."

"Senator Cornaro, gratitude for your kind words," she indicated a curtsy as she hid her scowl. The little fat man stood way too close for her taste, and she attempted inconspicuously to take a few steps back from him.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2021 ⏰

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