Fugo - strawberry kisses

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I would just like to say, this story is fem reader and at some point mentions them being bisexual, so if your not bi you can skip that part or just read a different chapter of my book, it's really good tho so def check out the other chapters haha, ok back 2 the book

You and fugo were chilling on the roof of the house you were hiding out in eating strawberries and staring at the sky, talking about conspiracy theories, celebrity drama, beef within the gang, anything that really came to your mind you just spit out pretty much.

(Just so your not confused this next dialogue part just goes reader - fugo - reader - fugo all the way until the end of the convo)

"Fugo, do you like girls?"

"Yeah? I kinda thought you liked girls if I'm being honest"

"It depends, I wouldn't mind dating a girl but she'd have to be really special, but overall I'd say I like men haha"

"So your bisexual?"

"Yeah I guess"

"I thought I was bisexual, or, gay for a while at some point, not that that really matters"

"Really? Why?"

"Narancia, apparently I thought caring so much for him meant I was in love with him, I care for him like a younger brother, despite the age difference"

"Oh, that's really cute, I love seeing you and narancia learn things from each other, it's truly heartwarming"

"I don't learn much from him honestly, he's like a small puppy or something"

"Yeah I guess, how do you feel about the new guy, giorno"

"I don't really have an opinion on him yet"

You both reached to grab a strawberry from the bowl between you two, so lost in the beautiful night sky you didn't notice until your hands touched.

"Erm, sorry" fugo said pulling his hand away and looking down to his side. "No, it's ok" you awkwardly laughed it off, ignoring your heart that was beating out of your chest.

You slid down the roof a bit so you were now on your back, staring directly above you, you could see fugo devouring the bowl of strawberries at an alarming rate. He ate so quickly there was no way he wasn't eating the leafy part too.

"Fugo? You doing okay" you could only see the side of his face, the moon causing a dim light for you to see his beet red face. He was scarfing these strawberries as if they were some type of liquid.

"Yeah, I'm ok" he mumbled almost in audibly. "Sorry what'd you say?" You said as he lied on his back beside you.

"So I've been thinking...." he started before pausing for a few seconds

"They way I feel about you is different than I've ever felt towards anyone, I don't know what to label it. I love being with you and I feel so safe and comfortable when your around and when you leave I feel so empty and alone, like you understand me and don't just pity me like everyone else does.... and I guess what I'm trying to say is..." Fugo paused after he opened up to you and shyly fiddled with his fingers

He sat up, leaning down on his elbow and cupped your face with his other hand and softly pecked your lips , scared to go any further. The thought that you might not return his feelings drove him crazy, he didn't know what he would do if he heard you say there was another boy or another girl or you didn't like him back. 'What if she thinks I'm gross' 'she did just see me stress eat 25 strawberries in 15 seconds' 'why did I go into such detail about my feelings' 'no way she likes me back, she's out of my league by far' all these thoughts flooded fugos mind until he felt your warm hand on top of his, snapping him back into reality.

"Never in a million years did I think Pannacotta Fugo would feel this strongly towards me" you joked lightly squeezing his hand. Fugo slid down your torso and rested his head in your lap. "I'm- I'm sorry" he choked out before you pulled him into a long and passionate kiss, slipping your tongue in his mouth. You two kept going for the next minute until you pulled away gasping for air.

"Fugo,, you taste like strawberries" you softly growled. Fugo was looking around for the bowl of strawberries, he was freaking out from this whole situation. "Am i dreaming" he said running his hand down your cheek, earning a soft smile from you.

"Fugo. I share your feelings"

You and him snuggled up under his strawberry blanket and fell asleep under the stars, only to get scolded by bucciarati for being so careless and sleeping on the roof while hiding out from enemies. He stopped half way through his lecture when he saw the way you and Fugo looked at each other.

"Ok, you two lovebirds best get going, I need you two to get me something". Bucciarati said smiling at the two of you.

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