Mista - after the storm

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(in case u haven't noticed almost ever oneshot i've done so far is named after a random song 😭)

You and mista were trying to find your way home after completing a mission but you were kind of in a situation.. neither of you knew the way home. his sex pistols kept giving directions that ended up being wrong and you would end up right where you started.

"why does this have to happen now !" mista sighed. "why what's wrong?" you said confused, under the impression that he was upset that he was lost with you of all people. "just look at the sky! it looks like a big storm is coming in" he said as you looked up, a raindrop splashing you on the cheek. "oh no, you're right" you said running under the roof of a building, mista following behind you.

"we should try to find our way one more time, before the weather gets really bad" mista said looking up to the sky again. the rain falling down harder by the second. you nodded and followed him, running around the dark city in the pouring rain and thunder. after a while the only thing you had found was an abandoned house that you decided to stay in until the rain stopped, it felt more like hail than rain.

"well this just sucks" mista said slouching down in a corner. you also got down on the ground a hugged yourself. "it's so cold" you said, your teeth chattering. "now that you mention it, it is pretty-" he said before the loud thunder and lightning cut him off, causing the both of you to jump towards each other. "we're gonna die" you cried out hugging mista for warmth. "hey, no we're not, it's only a little cold" he said taking off his sweater and putting it on you. even though it was drenched with rain, you could still smell him on the sweater, it smelled like sweat and cinnamon.

————— time skip to like 15 minutes later

you and mista sat in silence for a while before mista spoke up randomly. "can i play with your hair" he said not even looking up at you. you didn't respond but just laid in his lap, which he took as a yes. "your hair always looks so soft, it's pretty" he said laughing a bit. "thanks". you smiled up at him. "you're pretty". he said with a straight face, looking into your eyes. you couldn't help but send him a bashful smile, feeling your face heat up.

"hey, mista?" you said hesitantly. "yeah?" he said not looking at you, too focused on trying to braid your hair. "i've never seen you without a hat on, what does your hair look like?" you said nervous for what would come next. "really? you've never seen me without a hat?" mista said, his eyes widening a bit, still focused on your hair. you responded by shaking your head no. he dropped your hair and pulled his hat down. you didn't know what you were excepting but you weren't disappointed.

"awe, you look so good like that" you said bringing your hand up to touch his hair. you noticed him blushing a bit at your actions. "hey do you think the storm is-" before you could finish your statement mista softly cupped your cheeks and pulled you into a kiss. this caught you off guard but you kissed him back after you processed what just happened.

after he pulled away he laughed nervously, looking down to his side. "sorry, it's just that- hey the storm is dying down!" mista said pointing out of one of the broken windows. "yeah, we should head back, bucciarati must be worrying by now" you said standing up. "we'll finish this when we find our way home" mista said pulling his hat over your head and walking out of the house. you smiled adjusting the hat and following him out.

sorry if there are any spelling  errors, it's currently 4:03 am and i don't feel like reading over this. haha hope u liked this tho cause i like this 1 a lot

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