Jotaro - nights

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The clock in front of you read '2:36 AM'. I couldn't sleep. I decided to grab my headphones and put on my favorite album. After a while I got lost in my thoughts and fell asleep for about 10 minutes. I slowly woke up to the whistling sounds of wind and a cold breeze rushed over my body. when i opened my eyes i noticed my window was open and the wind was making my curtains swing. that's strange, it wasn't open when i fell asleep? maybe my mom came in and opened it or something, she usually gets home from work around this time.

I unplugged my headphones and put my cd away, then turned around to the other side of my bed only to be met with my boyfriend, jotaro, and his ocean blue eyes. "surprise" he said in a deep raspy voice. i felt butterflies in my stomach when he said that. "hey jojo, what are you doing here?" i asked stretching my arms and legs under my blanket. "nothing" he said turning to lay on his back. " awww did you miss me?" i said hugging him and rubbing my head into his torso. i reached to hold one of his hands and noticed small cuts and dried blood on his knuckles. i sighed thinking 'he must've gotten into another fight again'. he pulled his hand away from me and pulled me on top of him.

"i can clean that up if you want me to" i said looking into his eyes. "it's nothing, don't worry about it". he said looking to the other side of your room. "oh, ok". you said a little upset that he still couldn't open up to you about it. you didn't want to force him to talk about it tho so you tried to ignore it.

you and jotaro talked about random things for about 10 minutes until you got tired and started drifting off. about a minute later jotaro broke the silence. "the cuts on my hands" he said while laying on his back, looking at the ceiling. "huh?" you said waking up a bit. "some guys were making fun of my mom.... for kissing me goodbye before school. so i beat their asses into the pavement". he said smiling a bit. you laughed a bit. nobody knew about jojos mom always hugging him and waking him outside before school. he always thought it was embarrassing but secretly you knew he loved his mom.

"good, nobody talks badly about mrs. holly" you said rubbing his arm.  you thought it was sweet how jotaro cared for his mom so much but hearing how he spoke to her made you a bit sad. "i should probably wrap this up, huh?" jotaro said pointing to his fist. you immediately sat up in bed and walked over to your bathroom cabinet and grabbed some bandage wraps and peroxide. "you should really be more careful jojo" you said grabbing his large hand. the room stayed silent after that.

once you finished wrapping his wounds jojo grabbed your arms and pulled you into the bed with him "i just wanna lay with you". he said closing his eyes and hugging you tight. you pressed your face against his chest, smelling his cologne.

"i love you jojo"

"i love you more"

heyy! first update in a while :3 i plan to write more now that i'm on summer break. leave request on my request page guys :D

𝙅𝙤𝙟𝙤𝙨 𝘽𝙞𝙯𝙖𝙧𝙧𝙚 𝘼𝙙𝙫𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙪𝙧𝙚Where stories live. Discover now