Josuke - babysitting

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(this is an AU where jotaro brought jolyne to morioh in part 4,  ik it didn't really happen but still it would have been cool)

also this is the longest oneshot i've ever written it's 1100+ words, sorry if it's too long i can re write a shorter version lol.


you were rushing out of your classroom after the final bell rang, already pulling out your earbuds to listen to music on your walk home. you had friends who lived near you, you just liked walking alone and getting lost in the scenery. tall buildings, gas stations, trees, parks, nothing was different about today. you skipped down the school stairs and made your way to the gates until you were pulled to the side by a strong arm. your first initial reaction would have been to scream since you assumed you were being robbed until you heard a familiar voice speak up to you.

"thank god, i thought you had already left!" the boy sighed. 

josuke higashkita.

you knew him fairly well, you considered him a close friend but you would never tell him that. he's so popular compared to you, and the only reason you're friends is because you're forced to sit by each other in english. plus, girls are all over him! he's probably just gonna ask for homework or answers for our next test.

"i have a really big favor to ask you, and it's totally ok if you dont have time just hear me out ok?" he said letting go of your arm. you nodded in response taking out one of your earbuds. (hold on did earbuds exist in 1999? whatever they do now)

"so my niec- there's.... this guy i'm friends with, he's older than me and he's asking me to babysit for a lot of money, but i don't know anything about kids! let alone girl kids! since you're my closest girl friend- i mean female friend! i was wondering if you could help me?? i'll split the money with you" josuke nervously laughed while blushing in embarrassment.

wow, i thought he would never stop talking.. wait what did he say? why didn't i listen! why am i thinking these things i literally like him!!!

"ok" you said not knowing what you were agreeing to. "ok, great! follow me then" josuke said still laughing. you kept thinking what the hell was going on, was he going to murder me? did i agree to help him murder someone else? nonono, maybe he just needs- "here we are!" josuke interrupted your thoughts with his loud voice.

'Grand Morioh Hotel'

"his room is on the top floor" josuke said as he dug around in his pocket for the room key. "while we're here do you think we might have time to work on our homework together" josuke said smiling wide at you as he punched in the floor number on the elevator. "yeah, sure...what are we doing again ?" you said still completely clueless . "baby sitting?" he said swiping the key in the door to reveal a little girl with multi-colored hair doodling on the hotel notepad.

"hii! do you want to draw with me!" she said showing a poorly drawn picture of her and her dad holding hands, except there was something off about it. his face was completely scratched out, daddy issues, am i right? josuke looked at you with a very concerned look before pushing her over to the couch. "hey do you like tv? maybe some good cartoons are on!" josuke said sitting her down on the couch and grabbing the remote and flipping to the kids channel. josuke then picked up his school bag and walked over to the small table in the corner of the hotel room and sat down. "well, shall we?" he said in a flirty tone earning a small laugh from you.

after just a few minutes the two of you realized you couldn't focus at all, and to add to that, the girl you were babysitting kept giving you very disturbing drawings she made of her dad, so you decided to give up on the whole studying thing. you didn't really like to study anyways. you and josuke moved over to the couch to watch tv while jolyne lied on the floor coloring.

she wasn't a bad kid. she seemed to be find on her own, you didn't understand why josuke needed help with something that seemed so simple. you decided to ignore these thoughts and pay attention to the cartoon you were watching.

after a few minutes you got bored and looked over to josuke who was sat with his cheek in his hand. "josuke?" you said sliding over to his side of the couch. you noticed he was sleeping in the couch.. you couldn't help but admire his sleeping state. his face looked so soft, and his eyelashes were so pretty.

without thinking you reached over to cup his cheek, right before you made contact with him his eyes fluttered open scaring you a bit. "hey, i was just waking you up" you said moving back to go sit on your side of the couch.

before you could sit down you felt josuke pull you back by your arm. "you know, i can baby sit on my own" he whispered in your ear while holding you close to his chest. you blushed, feeling his hot breath on the back of your neck and in your ear gave you goosebumps. "why'd you invite me?" you said, your words muffled by his chest. "i wanted an excuse to hang out with you" he laughed and ruffed up your hair.

after a few more seconds that felt like hours, josuke pushed you back a bit so you were making eye contact before pulling you into a quick kiss. he pulled away to make sure you were comfortable with what he was doing.

was this really happening? josuke higashkita just kissed me! infront of some random dudes kid! i hope my face isn't red right now. this kind of stuff only happens in movies, not to me.

before you knew it josuke pulled you back into the kiss and pulled you up on top of him even more. this turned into a heavy make-out session quick. you felt bad that this poor 7 year old had to witness this but you also didn't care because you were so excited.

things escalated quickly, josuke was pulling off his jacket and you unzipped yours until you heard the the door open "Josu-, what the hell". a tall man stood in the doorframe staring at the two of you on top of each other. you were so embarrassed.

"hey jotaro !" josuke awkwardly laughed standing up and putting his jacket back on. "what is this bitch doing here" the man said, obviously about you, ouch. "i invited her over,, because i needed help babysitting?" josuke said sheepishly. "get out of here idiot" the man said handing josuke the money. the two of you scrambled out of the hotel room laughing all the way home.

𝙅𝙤𝙟𝙤𝙨 𝘽𝙞𝙯𝙖𝙧𝙧𝙚 𝘼𝙙𝙫𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙪𝙧𝙚Where stories live. Discover now