Abbacchio - happy birthday !

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you and the gang were discussing what to do for bucciarati, since his birthday was coming up. fugo took narancia to the store to find a gift, mista and giorno decided to make cards and crafts for him, which left you and abbacchio.

the two of you talked and decided to make him a homemade birthday cake. the only problem was neither of you knew too much about baking. you tried looking for recipes in books but there wasnt much about how to make actual cake which the two of you thought was weird. you and abbacchio decided to just make up stuff until it turned out good.

you got out some eggs, sugar, flour, milk, and butter. abbacchio got the cake pans, non-stick spray, and pre heated the oven. "so what do we add first" he said picking up the flour and sugar. "i think we should try dry ingredients first" you said grabbing the flour from his  hands. "but how much" you questioned pouring a little into the bowl before closing it. "theres no way thats enough" abbacchio said grabbing the flour from you hands causing  it to slip and fall into the bowl, a large cloud of flour covering the both of you. "look what you did!" you said wiping of your shirt. "youre the one that dropped it!" he argued back. "youre the one who grabbed it from me!" the two of you continued arguing about the flour until you heard a yell from the other room "will you two shut up! me and giorno can barley focus on these cards over you  guys bickering!" mista shouted. you and abbacchio looked at each other for a second before he grabbed the bowl filled with flour and threw it at you.

"you asshole!" you said before throwing an egg at him. the two of you continued throwing ingredients at each other for the next few minutes. at first it was out of anger, the two of you frustrated about the cake and cursing at each other, while throwing eggs, sticks of butter, even utensils and bowls, but you ended up laughing in the end, still having a food fight in the kitchen. you were about to throw an egg at him until you slipped on some butter on the floor and slid directly into him. "woah, are you ok?" he said catching you, wrapping his arms around your waist to prevent you from falling. you didnt know why but this small gesture of his gave you straight butterflies. "yeah, thank you abbacchio" you laughed. you stayed in his arms for a while, he wasnt letting you go. you thought this was strange for a second but you hugged him back. and looked up at him. "this was fun" he said looking back at you. "yeah, sorry for getting so mad about the cake" you said laughing a bit, "yeah im sorry too, it was my fault the flour fell in the first place" he said back to you resting his chin on your head. you pushed him away and pulled him into a kiss. he was shocked at first but kissed you back. 

the two of you ended up laughing and flirting for the rest of the time while you cleaned up the kitchen. "how about we go to the store and pick up a cake?" abbacchio said kissing your forehead. "yeah, that sounds good, just let me clean up first" you said pointing to your clothes, still covered in cake ingredients. "i could help you with that" he said smirking while walking up to your room.  <3

idk who i should write about next lol.

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