Abbacchio - in my eyes

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In this story, you are a stand user who is apart of passione, you work for Bucciarati along with the rest of the crew <3


You and Abbacchio had just finished a mission given to you buy Bucciarati, it wasn't too difficult considering how you and Abbacchio's stands compliment each other. You've always hated the fact that you and abbacchio should be able to work well together....but don't.

You tried getting along with him, since Bucciarati was gonna send you two on many missions together but he was really bitter towards you. Usually when you tried to talk to him he would tell you to shut up or threaten to kill you, so you stopped trying.

The entire mission was silent, you didn't talk on the way there, you didn't talk to each other to try and figure out the enemy stand, you didn't talk to each other on the walk back to the car. The enemy stand wasn't very powerful but caught you buy surprise and managed to get a hit on you. It was a nasty cut right on your cheek. You couldn't stop staring at the cut in the dirty rear view mirror before getting in the passenger seat.

"What happened to you?" Abbacchio spoke, as he adjusted his mirror. You didn't even bother to respond, assuming he would say something rude. You buckled your seat belt and rested your face in your hand, gazing out the window. "Hey, look at me". Abbacchio said hitting your shoulder to grab your attention. You finally gave in and turned to look at him, noticing visible concern in his eyes.

"Looks nasty". he said grabbing your chin and tilting your head to get a better look. "Wait here" he said getting out the car and walking into a convenience store. You had no idea what was going on.

Did Abbacchio actually care that you got hurt?
What was he doing going to a store right after a mission?
Was this some kind of prank?

Nearly 10 minutes later Abbacchio came out with a white plastic bag in one hand and an open water bottle in the other. He got back into the driver seat and threw a second water bottle he had pulled from the bag at you. "Come here, you wouldn't want that to get infected".

You looked over to Abbacchio who had flipped the peroxide bottle over onto a cotton ball and motioned you to come closer. You hesitated at first considering you and Abbacchios relationship wasn't very great, he could pull a fast one and squeeze the cotton ball drenched in alcohol in your eyes. "Watch out I might bite you" he laughed before tilting your chin up and patching your cheek up.

"There, you feeling any better?" He said starting the car back up. All you could do was nod, your cheek was burning and it hurt when you moved it. "You know, I never hated you, I just acted so cold because I thought you didn't like me" Abbacchio said, eyes glued to the road ahead.

"Me too" you muttered, you genuinely thought Abbacchio hated your guts, which is why you were so nervous to go on missions with him. What if he used you as a meat shield to protect him from a huge explosion and burned all your skin off? Or what if he saw an enemy sneaking up behind you and told you to look in the opposite direction of them?

"I actually thought you were really cute when Bucciarati introduced you"  he said, still not making eye contact. "Thought?" You said flipping your mirror down to see if you got uglier. "Still do, too bad you're such a bitch towards me" he sighed. "I only act this way because you're a bitch to me!" You argued back. "I guess we're both bitches then" Abbacchio laughed.

"You know, you're not all that bad, Leone."

"You've always been great in my eyes, [name]."

Sorry it took me like 5 days to write this, I kept listening to sad love songs and they made me wanna write something angst-y but I really don't wanna do that unless it's a specific request cause I've never done that genre before haha,

ANYWHOOO hope you enjoyed the story -kittie <3

𝙅𝙤𝙟𝙤𝙨 𝘽𝙞𝙯𝙖𝙧𝙧𝙚 𝘼𝙙𝙫𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙪𝙧𝙚Where stories live. Discover now