Polnareff - for the first time

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It was a normal night, no different from any other. You got home from work, set down your bag, threw on your sweats and made your way over to the closet to pull out some comfy blankets and pillows. You had the weekend off so you decided to sleep on your couch and have yourself a little movie night.

You made your way to the kitchen and prepared yourself a few snacks. A bowl of chips, a bag of candy, and of course your favorite drink. Right as you sat down a loud knock came from your door. All you could do was sigh and get out from under the little pillow and blanket mountain you've made. You opened the door with an annoyed look on your face which quickly turned into a cheerful grin. "Polnareff!" you said hugging around his neck, pulling him down to your height to kiss him on the cheek. "bonjour! may i come in?" he said smirking with his hands behind his back. "sure, only if you tell me what you have behind your back pol!" you said attempting to look behind him and pull his hands out to see. "ok, ok, you caught me..." polnareff said sighing. he pulled out in-front of you a heart shaped pizza box and a bouquet of your favorite flowers. "oh my gosh pol! you're so cute" you said welcoming him in a hugging him a second time from behind. "i know you had a long week at work and you deserve this belle" (belle = beautiful in french)

"i don't deserve you" you mumbled sniffing the flowers, a smile still plastered across your face. "get some rest, ok love?" polnareff says, turning off your lights and heading to the door. "wait pol!" you said running over to the door, "wanna stay and watch a movie?"  you asked, polnareff had never been over this late. "really? what's on?" he asked making his way over to the couch being careful not to knock over your blanket mountain. you turned on the tv and cuddled closer to him. you both ate the pizza he brought over and joked together.

"i love you, you know"

polnareff said to you, you took your attention off the movie and looked at him. "i love you pol". you two have never said this to eachother before.

i love you..... huh.

(sorry this is short i tried to finish it before my bus stop)

𝙅𝙤𝙟𝙤𝙨 𝘽𝙞𝙯𝙖𝙧𝙧𝙚 𝘼𝙙𝙫𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙪𝙧𝙚Where stories live. Discover now