Kakyoin - sleepover

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After a long day of traveling through Egypt, you and kakyoin got to your bedroom and began to settle down for the night. You set down your bag next to your bed, pulled out your hair brush and made your way to the bathroom. Before you could even open the door, the red-head leaped into the bathroom and slammed the door in your face, laughing from the other side.

"Ughhhh! Kakyoin you're gonna use up all the hot water!" You yelled as you heard the shower water run. "You take longer than me anyways honey". He said while you listened to the sound of the shower curtains being pulled back. You couldn't help but blush at the name he called you, but all you could really do was groan and walk back to the bed you claimed, obviously the one closest to the window.

After about 10 minutes Kakyoin exited the bathroom, his hair was drenched and a towel was thrown over his shoulders, along with his iconic purple striped pajama bottoms. Whole titties was out.... You tried not to look but it was too late, he caught you staring one too many times and decided to tease you for it.

"Take a picture it'll last longer" he said laughing as you snapped back into reality. "Hey! I wasn't even staring!" You said, turning red and reaching for a pillow to throw at him. One thing led to another, and you and the shirtless red head were now having a pillow fight, throwing the hotel pillows from each others beds back and forth before you decided to go over to his side and get a fatal shot at him. (Boom no more kids boom no more sex boom no more brain functionality)

You attempted to jump from your bed to his bed but tragically failed, your ankle rolled weirdly and you almost fell straight on your face into the dirty hotel carpets. Luckily Kakyoin's reflexes were quick enough to reach out and catch you. He acted quick without thinking, causing you to not hit your head but instead him.

"Oh no, I guess that means I win" you joked watching him get up and rub his forehead. "Ouch, face safe rule, you're disqualified" he said before swinging the pillow next to him at you with full force. "Ow! Don't hit me so hard!" You said slapping his arm. "Hey, we're even now" he said smirking before picking you up, slamming you onto his bed and turning off the lights. You thought he was about to ravage you but instead he just rested his head in the crook of your neck and pulled you closer to him by your waist.

"We should share a room more often"

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Thank you for reading !! I am so thankful and happy that you guys actually take the time out of your day to read my stories and hopefully they make you happy :) - kittie

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