*Chapter 18*

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Third P.O.V

The mint haired boy parked in front of the Jeon's residence before ringing the doorbell.

"Yoongi? What a nice surprise"

"Hello HyunJae, how are you??" Jungkook's mother, invited the boy in before hugging him tightly.

"I'm good, what about you? Are you staying out of trouble?"

"Yes ma'am, don't worry"

"If you say so, Jungkook is upstairs in his room" The mint haired boy nodded before climbing the stairs. Not bothering to knock he entered Jungkook's bedroom.

"Oh hey, hyung" Jungkook quickly turned off his phone, tucking it under his pillow.

"Who were you talking to?"

"No one" The elder rose a questioning eye brow.

"Really, Kook? You're a bad liar"

"Ugh fine, I was talking with Tae"

"Tae? You two seem to be getting along a lot more lately" Yoongi saw a faint blush paint his best friend's cheeks.

"Yeah, he's cool, we hang out more often"

"Yeah and you came together to see me a few times"

"Well you know we were both going to the same place so..."

"If I recall well the first day you came to see me, you were both comforting each other, I'm pretty sure I saw some hand holding too for a second. It seems like there's some progress there" The mint haired boy continued the teasing.

"Is fuck boy Jungkook starting to like this kid" Yoongi laughed.

"Okay, hyung that's enough!" Jungkook got up, running a hand through his hair. "I know you find this whole situation funny, but I don't!"

"Hey I'm just joking, Kook"  Yoongi was taken aback by his friend's outburst, Jungkook usually went along with his teasing but he had never acted like this.

"Yeah but I'm not!"

"What's going on?"

"What's going on is that I can't stop thinking about him, hyung, okay? And whenever I'm with him not a minute goes by where I don't smile or laugh a-and he's so angelic and innocent and I'm a total jerk and I was so mean to him for months but now all I want to do is protect him and keep him safe. I want to hold him and kiss him and I've never felt like this before, not for anyone! So yes, maybe I'm starting to like him and I don't find it funny at all! I'm...I'm scared"

The last sentence came out in a broken voice making Yoongi smile half heartedly before grabbing the ravenette's wrist sitting him down next to him.

"That's good, Kook. And there's no reason to feel scared"

"Of course, there is. I don't know the first thing about feelings, about how to treat him right or how to make him happy, does he even like me back? What if I hurt him some day? I don't know how a good relationship looks like, my dad fucking left my mom before I was even born and neither of us ever had a relationship, well maybe Hoseok now. Do you think I should I ask him? Urgh"

Yoongi chuckled at his dongsaeng's cute rambling.

"Jungkook, calm down, okay? If you love him, you'll treat him right and make him happy, there's no doubt. Maybe you'll hurt him some day, purposely or unintentionally but that's life. And about how a relationship works... you'll figure it out. Don't worry, you can only learn by doing, not by watching"

Exhaling harshly, the younger nodded.

"Hyung?" The latter hummed. "Do you think Taehyung likes me back?" A small smile tugged at Yoongi's lips.

"I do" 

A few minutes went by and neither of the two teenagers said anything.

"By the way, why did you come here hyung?"

"Oh um, I invited Jimin to the restaurant and I don't have any nice clothes and I thought maybe you could lend me some" Jungkook had never seen his hyung so nervous and he had to admit that he was adorably cute, rubbing his neck, not daring looking up.

"Sure, just give me a moment" Opening his closet Jungkook took out some clothes for his best friend before laying them on the bed, pausing in the process.

"Wait, you invited Jimin to dinner?"


"At a restaurant?"

"Yes, why?"

"He has a boyfriend?"

"I know that"

"Well don't you think it's weird, you're practically going on a date with your friend's boyfriend"

"Okay first of all, it's not a date, Jimin's whole family is going to celebrate Jin's graduation and the poor kid is left alone so I invited him to the restaurant, second of all, Hoseok and Jimin won't be boyfriend much longer anyway"

"How do you know that??" Jungkook scoffed.

"Come on Kook, you know what's about to happen between them, they won't last after that"

"Maybe, you don't know that"

"Neither do you" Yoongi's response made Jungkook roll his eyes.

"You like him, don't you" It wasn't really a question so much as an affirmation, but Yoongi still played dumb.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me, Yoongi"

"You're crazy, Jungkook. I don't feel that way towards others, I don't like people like that, you know that"

"You've changed, that's all"

"I haven't changed"

"Really, hyung? You're new found frienship with Taehyung? You didn't even know who he was until recently and now he's your best friend. You talk a lot more too, you invite Jimin to the restaurant? Do you remember at the beginning of the year, you would talk with us, Namjoon, Hoseok, me and no one else. When people would talk to you, you would tell them to fuck off. That's what you did with everybody, even Jimin and now...Now you don't"

Jungkook stopped to look at his friend.

"You've changed, hyung, but maybe that's not a bad thing. Answer me this sincerely, are you happier now?" The mint haired boy looked at his friend with sad eyes.

"I am, but I do not like Jimin. He's off limits and not my type"

"I know you, hyung. I can see the way you look at him. I'm not saying that you should go after him but don't deny your feelings for him, it won't help you get rid of them"

"Whatever" Yoongi got up as he really didn't want to keep on talking about this. "I should get dressed, I'm picking up Jimin soon"

Grabbing the clothes on the bed, Yoongi locked himself in Jungkook's bathroom, showering before dressing up and putting on some makeup. 

Jungkook's word really hit him hard, he could stop thinking about what the younger had said. He knew he liked Jimin, even he couldn't admit it but had he really changed this much? Yes, he had. He was indeed happier now, with Taehyung, Jungkook and Jimin he felt complete. It all fit and made his life lighter so why should he ruin what he had been waiting for for years?


I feel like there is a lot of dialogue in this story xd 

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