ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 28 - ʜᴀᴘᴘʏ ʙɪʀᴛʜᴅᴀʏ ೄྀ࿐

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       "AND ME?" The extravagant figure that just radiated brilliance before the flustered girl had the corners of his mouth turning up. "Why, I'm Zac the Sunrise! You've heard of me before—but who might you be, mon chéri? Someone as beautiful as you...Perhaps your a...hm...er, a good friend of Akio? I...kind of doubt that you're friends with Lui—since you're so sweet and all."

       "Oh!" Y/N twirled a lock of her hair in front of her, hiding her face from view of the shining individual. Rosiness clouded her entire face, heart running a marathon. "I...well...my connections...I-I—"

       "Hm hm??"

       "I-I'm his...girlfriend." She whispered, twirling her thumbs together.


       "Oh my gosh—" he gasped—inhumanly—you're the soulmate that I've been hearing so much about!!!"

       "He...talks about me?" Y/N mumbled, perplexed, tilting her head to the side. 'No way. Why would he talks about me—I-I do understand that I'm with him—but I'm not anyone special!'

       Zac nodded vigorously at her question.

       "Oh—pfft, definitely." He pushed his long, golden blond locks back from his shoulders. "The Supreme 4 has meetups every once in a while. We're rivals, but also friends—I guess that isn't the case for Shu. But it is for the rest of us.  Lui, oh you should hear him, when he talks about you—it's like he's talking about an angel he met in person."

       A heavy, heavier blush dusted across her cheeks.

       "Wanna see a picture of him?" The sunrise asked Y/N. "Xander—you remember him? I'm more than sure you do. He's the red giant who's, like, besties with Valt—Okay, so Xander took this picture. And—Mhm starlight, do I look good—"



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