Your world gave me scars

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Everything felt heavy, she even had trouble opening her eyes. As Erin woke up, she could feel how cold her fingertips were and how heavy and sore her body felt. The teenager rolled to her side and struggled to push herself off the ground, her arms vaguely trembling from the sudden effort of having to push herself up from the ground below. Only when Erin fully sat up did she realize how bad her headache was, groaning as she moved her free hand to the side of her head attempting to soothe the pain.

After adjusting, Erin winced as she looked around. Once the brunette registered that she was sitting next to a large tree, adrenaline began to settle in. Trees were everywhere and the sun was up. Had she really been out all night?

Erin procrastinated getting up, still feeling heavy. With a tired sigh, she eventually pushed herself up to a stand, leaning up against the tree to help balance herself until she could stand on her own. She pulled out both of her hands and reached for her hair, bunching it up and using the hair tie on her wrist to help hold her hair in place before pushing off the tree and trudging between trees in a random direction, hoping that she'd come across a camp or a road.

It didn't take long, Erin heard something in the distance and stopped walking to focus on where the sound came from. She listened intently and started walking towards what she hoped was more people.

That relief was short-lived after she noticed that the people she'd hoped to find were dressed funny. Filled with all sorts of confusion, Erin shuffled behind a wide tree to watch them instead. These people wore silver gray armor with golden rims on each piece, some rode horses and others walked beside the riders.

Erin pondered over how she was supposed to approach them and ask for help when she felt a hair on her arm and went to brush it off before half heartedly glancing down and let out a short scream when she saw a spider on her arm before wildly shoving it off.

It only took her a moment to process how quiet the forest suddenly became and she froze in place. Erin held her breath, waiting a few moments before she peered around the tree right as one of the armored riders she saw at the front of the group cautiously approached the tree and caught the minor staring back.

Nope, f*ck that.

Erin pulled back and lunged back towards the trees to avoid getting caught. This probably wasn't the brightest thing to do as she already had minor injuries that needed to be looked at as soon as possible, plus, it just made the woman who spotted Erin give chase.

She pushed past a large branch that hung from its tree, scratching the skin of her palm. Erin nearly tripped over herself trying to make a sharp turn around a large tree and nearly running straight into another one of the armored people, catching herself before stumbling to stop in time. Erin threw herself to the side just in time before the man reached out to grab her.

She landed roughly, resulting in her cheek getting cut from a particularly sharp-edged rock. Erin pulled away with a hiss before she put her hand on her new cut before looking over her shoulder and barely glancing at the approaching figures before she went to push herself back up before feeling her headache return with a vengeance. Her scraps and cuts stung, her head throbbed so hard her eyes were teary.

Adrenaline quickly began to fade and Erin finally noticed just how much it hurt when she tried to breath. Erin didn't even manage to stand up straight before collapsing back to the ground, letting out a series of coughs before she grabbed a fistful of her shirt in an attempt to focus on anything else that wasn't her chest or head pain.

Erin barely registered the hand on her shoulder or the voices nearby before finally letting the tiredness pull her to the depths of unconsciousness.

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