𝙰 𝚍𝚊𝚛𝚔 𝚕𝚘𝚛𝚍'𝚜 𝚍𝚊𝚞𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚎𝚛

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Erin cheered, the moment the sun hit her skin. It had been a full week since the day she woke up in the stonewall room, trying to understand and read the book by looking at just the pictures, hobbling her way back and forth in the room to try and wear out her boredom, staring at the wall for an hour, then repeat.

Although there was some small talk with the people who brought the food to her. Pretty short and dry, though.

Erin, still using the large walking sticks, swung herself out the doorless entrance. Most of the guards eyed her suspiciously as on her way out. Honestly, she couldn't blame them. She-a girl who they have very limited information about-ran from a General, injured and seemingly came from nowhere since she had yet to tell them any more about herself.

She already knew what she was looking for when she walked out. Her eyes scanned the area around her while she made her way towards the concrete bench that was near the tree. Erin smiled when she saw it. It was exactly where she remembered it was, just like in the show.

She let herself fall back to sit on the cold seat. She collected both of her wooden crutches and gathered them in one hand, just for them to be placed on the space beside her.

Erin glanced down at her foot that had begun to painlessly throb from all the sudden movement she had done to get there. No clue why she expected to magically get from point A to point B, like a time skip in the show. This was real-

Erin frowned at the thought that had just ran through her head. No, this is not real life, this is from an animated Netflix series that she finished watching for the dozenth time, nothing more! It's all fake.

As much as she doesn't want to admit it, this is her reality now. It isn't just some animation she watches for entertainment anymore. She can't fast forward, pause, or rewind.

Erin brought a hand up to her forehead and swiped it down her face, stopping over her mouth. She took a deep breath in and out through her nose before letting her hand fall on her lap. She looked up to watch the leaves of the tree sway a little above her. It was oddly calming and helped her clear her thoughts.

She saw some movement from the side of her eye and turned her head in that direction, a smile grew on her face as she immediately recognized that it was a certain crown guard and prince in blue who were approaching. Soren held two wooden swords as Callum followed behind him, with his brown courier bag hanging off his shoulder.

Erin heard someone settling down in the empty space beside her, she turned to see a familiar magic-using female. "Hi, there!"

Erin smiled back at her. "Hello."

"You must be Erin." Erin smiled at Claudia. She really wasn't all that bad, she just didn't want her family to break apart again. She remembered feeling bad for the girl after watching when she was forced to choose between her brother or her father.

"Yup, that's me." Erin said, popping the p. "How about you, what's your name?" She asked as if she genuinely had no idea who sat in front of her and what she was capable of. "Claudia." She introduced herself, smiling at the 14 year old.

Erin's smile widened. "Nice to meet you." She held her unbroken hand towards her, waiting for the other girl to do the same. Once she did, Erin gripped Claudia's hand in hers and shook it up and down. They smiled and Erin brought her hand back to her side. "So, Erin, where are you from?"

Erin felt the pit in her stomach grow. Yes, while she may just genuinely be curious as to where she's from, but there's no doubt in Erin's mind that she'll pass on the information to God knows who. Besides, if the truth is told, Claudia's father is probably the last person she'd want knowing that there is another world in which there is no such thing as magic, dragons, or elves that's teeming with millions upon billions of humans.

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