Reading a new language

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"Who are you?"

Damn. I knew the question was bound to come up eventually. Although it wasn't the question that was unexpected, it was the voice of the guy interpreting what his friend had asked me. From what I remember, General Amaya was a deaf-mute who was close friends with her interpreter.

My face lit up with excitement and a smile grew on my face. I quickly put the now half-empty cup of water on the nightstand and lifted my body into a more proper sitting position, causing the blanket to slide off some. I brought my legs closer to my body-my ankle throbbed but thankfully it was ignorable for the time being-and crossed them, now sitting comfortably, I pushed myself to turn around to face the duo.

I slowly signed my name, hoping I got the letters correctly. After the first three, it was more or so muscle memory from there. "Erin." I smiled and mentally congratulated myself for choosing sign language for one of my high school courses- albeit I'm still learning so I'm not as fluent as I'd like. I felt my uneasiness gradually drop before quickly furrowing my eyes and asking. "Where am I?"

"You're in Katolis castle," She smiled when she responded. "I am General Amaya."

My stomach dropped. It took everything in me to stop myself from gaping. Did I hear that correctly? She can't be serious, right? Is that why she looked so familiar?

I continued to stare at the woman for a moment before dropping my stare to my lap. I finally understood why everything looked out of place. The stone walls, the armour, the guards, and the horses. Plus, everything is animated! Everything seemed to have pointed to the show that my cousin and I had watched before going to bed. I couldn't help but examine my hands, they felt the same but they were no longer realistic.

"Something wrong?" Her gestures caused me to look back at her.

"No, no it's just..." I spoke, dumbfounded. I debated on what I had to say next. Either this truly is the Amaya from the Netflix series and not just a dream, or I need to think of something quick.

I could just tell them I'm from Canada, however, as far as my knowledge goes, there is nothing other than the five kingdoms-including Katolis- and Xadia. If I keep on insisting, then that would just lead to them thinking that I'm insane or have a severe injury, and I can't say I'm visiting from one of the other kingdoms or I'll just be sent back to said kingdom the moment my injuries heal, and what if someone were to ask me something about it, I don't know anything other than their names and rulers. Besides, the settings of the plot revolve around Katolis, Xadia, and the journey to Xadia, the others were only briefly mentioned, so if I were sent back I would have little to no knowledge of where I am or when the plot begins. I always tried not to lie to others back at home, but I couldn't exactly tell them the whole truth if I didn't want to dig myself a deeper grave.

I can't avoid the interrogation forever. With that thought in mind, I've decided what my next step would be. I wouldn't lie- I obviously can't tell them the whole truth either- but instead, I would need to try to answer them in a way that's technically true. As long as

"Why were you in the forest?" The man interpreted.

"I don't know," I answered honestly.

Already having an idea of who everyone was, eased my anxiety a bit. This may be my first interaction with a fictional character but I'm glad it's in a world where I know the future. I would need to be careful, if I were to slip up, it could change the course of the story entirely. Then my information of the future would be useless.

"Why did you run?"

"I got spooked?" I mentally kicked myself when I noticed how the response sounded uncertain.

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