𝙼𝚊𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚗𝚎𝚠 𝚏𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚜 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚖𝚎𝚎𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚘𝚕𝚍 𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚜

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The heels of Erin's feet thumped against the ground in a hard, low thud as she practically flew down the halls. She was gasping for air as she took a sharp turn by holding onto one of the soldier statues and using it to help herself not fall to the ground as she tried to lose the person following intimidatingly close.

The socks that hugged Erin's feet didn't help all that much with her escape attempt as they caused her to slip and slide far too many times, causing her to nearly stumble over her own feet.

Because of this, Erin skidded across the floor as she made another sharp turn.

"Ah-" Erin waved her arms around in an awkward dance to regain her balance before hopping back to it, sprinting down the halls. It didn't help that it was really dark out, just past midnight, and the only light she was offered was the light from the moon that seeped through the windows and open doors and the lit torches that were unceremoniously hung on the wall, slightly moving to the side as two figures flew past in an urgent rush.

Erin was running, exhaustion beginning to get the best of her and her limbs began to grow sore and tired, adrenaline being the only thing from getting caught and dragged away to accept her fate. Erin's blood ran cold as she heard the person behind her pick up their pace, almost sensing that she was close to collapsing.

A shout emitted from her throat as she felt her pursuer practically breathing on the back of her neck, hand outstretched to snatch the teenager who started this whole ordeal. Erin felt the ghost of their fingertips brush against her back and that made her push herself to run impossibly faster to get away from them. With time and skill not particularly being on her side, she stretched out and grabbed a statue made of armor and yanked it down behind her without looking. That should give her something like a second. Not as much as she would've liked but it was better than getting caught.

Now a few steps ahead, she turns into another random corner and finds that, in the distance, there was a wall. There was no way out now, Erin was cornered!

In an act of desperation, she sped towards the first door on her right and frantically fumbled with the locks where she was half trying to pry the door open and half trying to bust it open with slamming her shoulder into the wooden door. It only took a few violent tugs and banging against the door for the door handle to break as the door was forcefully cracked open. She let out a victorious huff before pushing it wide open with her arm and took a step into the room-

Erin let out a high-pitched scream as strong arms wrapped themselves around her torso and heaved her away from her hiding spot, holding her up and away from the door.

"No!" Erin cried, thrashing around in the firm grip, reaching for the door and kicking her legs that helplessly dangled a couple inches from the ground. "Put me down! Let me go!"

Knowing full well that she wouldn't get a response from the hearing impaired woman, she didn't wait for one before she continued flailing around.

Amaya didn't seem too interested in the idea of standing around and waiting for the girl in her arms to calm down. With a roll of her eyes, it didn't take Amaya very long to have Erin's arms pinned down to her sides before carrying her away back to the kitchen. And of course, Erin squirmed and fought on the way.

By the time they got there, Erin had worn herself out so much that she was almost limp if it weren't for her periodically trying to push herself out of the restrictive hold. In actuality, it didn't take very much to hold Erin still at this point.

"Look who we finally have here." Harrow chuckled, arms crossed. "Have you given up yet?"

In all her sleepy and tired glory, she grumbled something related to a "shut it".

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2022 ⏰

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