14 - Date

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Devonne's POV

The sound of my neighbors fighting woke me up the next morning. I groaned loudly before I dragged myself to the bathroom. I took a shower and had breakfast in front of the tv. I nearly fell asleep again but I suddenly realized I didn't text Selena my address yet. She replied seconds later.

Selena: Was about time. I thought you pussied out of it! Pick you up at 12?

Devonne: What do I wear?

Selena: Something you wouldn't wear to school.

Selena had a habit of making me laugh. She really didn't even have to try, it came naturally. I was pretty sure my cheeks were also a hot color of pink. She had that kind of power over me, and I didn't know why.

I texted her back, telling her I'll be ready, before realizing that it was nearly eleven. I walked to my bedroom, wanting to find a nice outfit to wear. She didn't specifically tell me what to wear so I assumed everything would be okay. I ended up picking out a dress. A flower dress. It was black and the flowers were hot pink. The dress wasn't that long, it only was long enough to cover my ass. I straightened my hair first. It was red now, and looked really cool with a bowler hat. Speaking of bowler hats, I took my favorite one out of my closet and threw it on my bed along with the dress. I decided to do my makeup first.

A thin line of eyeliner and some mascara along with pink lips were enough. I tried to look good and not over the top at the same time. I didn't really know why I wanted to look good for Selena, but I didn't question it either.

After my makeup was done, I got into the dress and decided on wearing a jeans vest over it to make it look casual. I went with high heels and my hat.

When I was ready, I still had over twenty minutes left. I was about to relax when knocking on my door sounded. I knitted my eyebrow in confusion as I opened the door. It was only 11:40. Would Selena be here already?

I opened the door and my smile vanished immediately. Philip was standing there, looking back at me. He was looking pretty attractive but I wasn't going to let him know that. "Philip." I said in a cold tone.

"You know how I hate when you say my full name." He leaned against the door.

"You know how I couldn't care less." I fired back.

His eyes softened and he made eye contact with me. "I thought you'd have calmed down by now.." He trailed off. "Look Dev, I love y-"

"Please!" I let out a booming laugh. "Don't even bullshit me with your lies. How's Lena? Say hi from me." I wanted to shut the door but he was stronger.

"Devonne." He spoke slowly. "I'm really sorry."

Panic was coming over me. Selena could show up in any moment and Philip was still standing there. "Please," I chocked out. "I already have to see you five days out of seven. Please leave." My voice cracked. I wanted to forgive him and go back to our life but I'd never ever trust him again, and I don't do relationships without trust.

Philip hung his head in shame and walked away. I hurried to my window and saw him get into his car and drive away. Finally, my heart stopped beating so fast. I didn't know what would happen if he and Selena ran into each other.

A few minutes later, someone knocked on my door again. I was pretty sure it was Selena. When I opened the door, she stood there with a bright smile. She looked really good. I took in her appearance, not aware of my staring or the fact that I didn't say hi or the fact that she was giving me flowers. She was wearing white shorts and a blue crop top with a grey cardigan. Her long black hair was covering her shoulders and her face was all natural. She looked beautiful.

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