06 - I miss her

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Devonne's POV
"Fuck.." I muttered before hanging up the phone. "Fuck fuck fuck."

"Hey, babe." Phil walked in. I had totally forgotten I was in my classroom.

"Hey." I faked a smile, hoping he wouldn't notice.

He raised an eyebrow immediately. "What's up? What's wrong?" He sat in front of me and watched me closely.

"Nothing's wrong, Phil."

"Oh okay." He dropped it, shrugging his shoulders. "I brought you food." He smiled.

"Aw, thank you baby." I kissed his cheek and smiled genuinely. Until the guilt hit me.

I had cheated on Phil and I didn't even care. All I was caring about was with who I did. The more Phil joked and made me laugh, the guiltier I felt.

"What would you say if I'd cheat on you?" I asked Phil after a while as I laughed to not make things obvious.

"You wouldn't." He smiled smugly.

I laughed. "Look who's cocky. I know, just imagine." I lied.

"Is there something you want to tell me?" He joked.

I wiggled my eyebrows and laughed nervously.

"I don't feel comfortable thinking about you fucking another guy, so let's change the subject." He laughed.

I shook my head, smiling. He had no idea.

After lunch, Philip left to teach his next class. I took my phone out to reply to some texts. I didn't have a class next so I could just sit here again. Being a teacher is actually really cool.

I stood up when I heard some yelling outside the classroom. Katherine, Caroline and Isidora were standing there. They seemed to be fighting.

"Just tell her to call me." Katherine sighed miserably.

"Selena's not going to forgive you, Katherine. For fucks sake, you cheated on her!" Isidora basically yelled.

I raised my eyebrow. Isidora and Katherine have English together and I never noticed any hatred towards each other.

"Just forget her." Caroline added in a much calmer tone.

"I'm sorry to interrupt you guys, but there's classes going on. I'm gonna have to ask you to go to class or the library before the principal sees you." I smiled apologetically.

"Fuck, I'm sorry." Caroline said. I laughed and shook my head.

So, Selena likes girls, I smiled. Too bad she's too young and I have a boyfriend. I laughed at myself.

Of course she likes girls, she kissed me in the club, I mentally slapped myself. She was the brunette. At least if I've heard right.

The voice sounded identically like Selena's even though she had only said one word.

I had to tell Phil and I had to tell Selena. I needed closure but I was too pussy. How do you tell your student you've met before and kissed? More importantly, how do you tell your boyfriend you've cheated on him?

It was only a kiss right? We didn't go any further. I couldn't help but wonder how Phil would react. My brain thinks he's going to break up with me, because I kissed another girl, but my heart tells different.

I decided to text my best friend.

Devonne: Can you come over tonight? I really need some advise!!!

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