Ch.7 Time Passes

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A/N: Hey guys! For Christmas I got the Rise of the Guardians video game and I'm having loads of fun :P Haha, anyway, enjoy the chappie and please spread the word about my fan fic if you will ;)


Dad turned out to keep his promise to the Guardians and we just carried on with life. We moved to California as Dad said we would. It's been six years since we left the forest near Burgess. I was now 13 and Isaac was 11. Dad thought that it would be good for us to go to school. A real school with actual kids. I was so happy.

But it turned out to be a little difficult since I was entering eight grade and Isaac was going into sixth. Mom mostly talked Dad into it because he still wanted us to learn from him about dark magic and whatever.

My first day, Dad absolutely flipped. "Are you sure they'll be alright?" He was panicked and Mom was getting really annoyed with him. "What if the Guardians come?"

"The Guardians haven't seen or heard from us in six years!" Mom pointed out as she prepared us breakfast. "They'll be fine." Dad was still jittery and didn't seem that reassured. "Unless you've done something to provoke the Guardians then we have no reason to worry."

Mom hurried us out the door with everything all set for school. I had no idea what to expect but Mom told us some things about it so we didn't have absolutely no clue whatsoever.

On the bus, Isaac pushed ahead of me and picked a seat right away. I glanced around and saw faces stare up to look at me. I walked forward hesitantly. I spied a seat in the very back and headed for it. I was almost there when the bus gave a sudden lurch and I went toppling into the seat. There were no other kids in the back except for one.

It was a boy my age who had a blue hoodie on. He was slumped up against the seat with the hood up and didn't seem to notice me looking at him. He was staring out the window and I would see his reflection. Apparently he saw my reflection because he whipped around and stared at me. His hood came off and I stared back in surprise.

He looked so familiar, almost like Jack. His hair was blonde, almost white. He had dark blue eyes and his skin was very pale. I was so shocked, I didn't think. "Jack?" I blurted out. My eyes widened even further and I clamped my hands over my mouth.

"Erm....I prefer Jackson." Jackson peered at me and narrowed his eyes. "Do you know me?" I shook my head with my hands still covering my mouth. "Because I don't know you at all." He looked at me closer and I backed away while taking my hands away from my mouth. "You weren't here last year, were you?"

"No," I said quietly. My hands started shaking from nervousness. Great. I just met the guy and now he thinks I'm a freak! But boy does he look a lot like Jack. Kinda cute too, ya know?

"How do you know my name then?" Jackson looked at me and I squirmed under his gaze. I knew that question would pop up just like I knew that I would have no logical explanation for it.

After a while, I decided the truth wouldn't hurt. "You look like someone I knew and his name happened to be Jack." See? I didn't exactly lie. It's just that 'You look like Jack Frost, the winter spirit' probably would have made me even more of a freak to him.

"That's pretty weird, but whatever." Jackson shrugged. He looked back out the window and I sighed in relief.

The bus got fuller and soon someone sat next to me. It was a girl my age with black hair and pale skin, like me. "Sorry to crowd you." She sat down and shifted over. "It's just that there was no where else to sit." She had a British accent and I instantly wished like I sounded like her.

"Oh, it's fine." I smiled at her and she smiled back.

At another stop, a boy came hustling to the back and plopped next to Jackson. "Hey Jacky!" He practically shoved Jackson into the window as the guy crashed into him as a greeting.

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