Ch.8 Sorta Kidnapped...?

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A/N: Sorry I didn't update earlier! I've had a wild week and my sister keeps hogging the computer. Anyway, here it is! :D Hope you like it! Please comment to tell me how I'm doing? :)

Ch. 8 I Sorta Kidnapped...?

After school that day, Dad wanted to know everything. "Come on! Quickly! So you can tell me about your first day of school!" Dad hustled us into the house.

Yup, that's right. A house. Mom and Dad bought a regular house and Dad put the lair under the house. To get there, we just go through a door in the basement. So I guess we have a basement for our basement.

I dropped my backpack on the floor. It wasn't that heavy since it was the first day of school. Neither was Isaac's. "Well, I made a friend." I walked over to the kitchen and looked in the fridge for a snack.

"Lucky," Isaac grumbled. He sat down at the table and put his head on his arm. "I didn't make any. Everyone stayed away from me and called me a freak."

I turned to look at my sad little brother with an apple in my hand. "I'm sorry, Boo." I stared at the apple and it triggered the memory of Sandy pulling out the bad sand from me. I quickly put it away and choose some grapes to share with Isaac. I sat down next to him and we started munching on the grapes. "Maybe tomorrow."

"I don't think so," Isaac tore a grape in half, sending juice squirting on both of us. "Oops, sorry." He smiled at me apologetic.

"So'kay Boo." I wiped my face off with a napkin. "Why did they call you a freak?"

Isaac shrugged stared at the grape he was about to eat. "They just said I was a weird."

I munched thoughtfully on a grape. Nothing about his looks or personality is weird at all! He has dark hazel brown hair and sharp facial features, like Dad's, but with tanner skin. His eyes and his hair are almost the same exact color and those were inherited from Mom. He's very funny but a little too shy.

I gotta say, my brother looks better than I do. I look more like Dad, with pale skin and black hair. However, I do not have gold eyes, only grey. But after today's accident, I might have pink. At least I'm not abnormally tall like Dad, also. "You're not weird Boo." I smiled at him reassuringly and pop a grape into mouth.

"Alright, tell me about your days!" Dad bustled in with Mom at his side.

"Just stupid school stuff." Isaac muttered and squashed a grape between his fingers.

"Ok," Mom smiled faintly and turned towards me. "What about you, Thea?"

"Well, um," I searched my brain for something to tell them about that didn't include anything to do with Jackson or any of the weird happenings that went along with him. "I climbed to the top or the rope in P.E." I gave a nervous smile.

"Impressive, my strong girl!" Dad smiled. "All that physical fighting training I gave you has paid off already!"

"Yeah." Ok, I know what you're thinking. 'Physical fighting training?' Yeah, well, since I don't have any "powers," Dad taught us some stuff to defend ourselves with, and I have to say, I'm completely and massively terrible at it. Isaac is way better than me. I just let Dad think he's doing a good job teaching me; makes me and him feel better.

"We're going to pick up some dinner." Mom came into the kitchen, holding her purse. Dad and Mom can't cook ANYTHING AT ALL. They're much worse at cooking than I am at melee fighting and that's shamefully bad. "Want to come?"

"Nah." I shook my head. I wanted to be alone for a while and I also needed to call Destiny.

"I'll go." Isaac jumped off his chair and raced out the door.

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