Ch.20 Pain in the Butt

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A/N: It's almost over! :O Are you sad? Or don't really care.....? xD Anywho please be a nice person and check out my other new story?(and maybe possibly help me come up with a better title name for it....?) Because that'll be the next thing that I am going to be working on. No one has commented on it yet and I really would like someone to! And if any of you happen to be a pokemon or OHSHC fan fic reader and find a really good one, lemme know cause I wanna read em! K, enjoy!

Ch.20 Pain in the Butt

My back hit hard, metal bars as I was thrown into a cage. I let out a moan as I collided with the floor, ending up on my side. A door was slammed and it echoed all across whatever kind of room we were in. I didn't had some strength to sit up. As I did, I felt the cage sway. That could only mean that I was suspended in air.

I heard another door open, and then something thud against the ground. The door closed again with that same irritable creak.

And I say 'heard' during all of this because I was blindfolded. Hearing was really the only sense I could use at the moment because my hands and feet were also bound together.

"I can't believe these kids became so weak, even if I raised them properly or not!" Pitch hissed nearby. He must mean me and Isaac, who I assumed was thrown into a cage close to mine.

"Get me out here!" I screamed, sort of surprised that I wasn't also gagged.

"Not a chance, sweetheart." Pain chuckled to my left. He tapped the bars of the cage so it made a constant clink clink sound.

"If you of all people call me that again, I will rip your throat out!" I shouted in his direction. I listened closer as the clinking sound was muffled by his hand closing around the bar. It was level with my head and I was fairly close to him. I drew my head back and rammed it into the spot I hoped was where Pain's fingers were.

"Gah!" Pain yelped, his fingers tensing.

Yes! Right on target! I continued to grind his fingers into the bar with my head until he pulled back quickly, making my head clunk against the metal.

"You're going to pay for that!" Pain growled, hitting the cage bars with something so that it swung back and forth.

I rolled with the motion and tried to stay upright and away from the bars. It proved to be very difficult. After all, I was blindfolded and bound together.

"What? Thea? Is that you?" I heard Isaac's confused and hurt voice call out.

"Yes! It's me!" I answered him as Pain hit my cage again, sending me rocking back and forth with even more momentum than before. I gasped as my back came in sudden contact with the bars.

"That's quite enough now, Pain." I heard Pitch mutter.

Pain grumbled away and I sat up, clenching my teeth together in order to keep from crying out. "Next time, sweetheart." Pain chuckled further away.

"What the heck are you doing with us?!" I screeched in the general direction of their voices.

"Making sure you don't get in our way."

"I gathered that."

"Don't be a smart aleck about it!"

"Don't tell me what to do! You're not my dad." I could just imagine his eye twitching in annoyance and frustration.

"I am-"

"And are the blindfolds really necessary?" I butted in. "I mean, I get the whole arms and legs bound together, but why blindfolded? I already know where we are."

"Oh yeah? Then were are we?" Pain taunted.

"Pitch's underground lair." I said simply. "It's not that hard to tell, with all the annoying swinging back and forth going on." I shrugged my shoulders.

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