Ch.4 Golden Apple 

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Ch. 4 Golden Apple 

I woke up to the sound of laughing. I felt around to find that I was laying in a big soft bed. There was a stuffed animal in my arms and Isaac was sleeping near me. I opened my eyes a crack to see that I was in a dark room. There was a door at the opposite end and it was open a tiny bit so some golden light seeped through.

The hearty laughter belonged to North. I climbed out of the bed with the stuffed animal cat, careful not to disturb Isaac. I was dressed in comfortable pajamas and my regular clothes were no where to be found. I opened the door to see North indeed standing in front of my door talking to Bunnymund.

"Here's the little ankle-biter!" Bunnymund exclaimed and smiled down at me.

I didn't return the smile. "Where's Dad?" I remembered quite clearly that Jack had frozen dad solid and that Sandy had put us all to sleep.

North looked at me. He didn't seem to have any words. "We have a present for you!" he finally said cheerfully. He put his hand behind my back and started leading me around his huge workshop.

One of the yetis came running through with a load of wood in his arms. He nearly squashed Bunnymund. "Oi!" Bunnymund swerved out of the way just in time. "Watch it mate! Or that wood wont be your only problem."

"Be nice," North sighed. "It's nearly Christmas and we're quite busy."

"You call this busy?" Bunnymund scoffed. "Try doing my job for a change! then we'll talk about busy."

North lead us to another place in the workshop where Sandy, Jack, Tooth and Baby Tooth were. They were sitting around in a circle on some couches and chairs. In the middle was a table that held a single golden apple.

"What's that?" I asked hesitantly as North pushed me closer to the table with the unnaturally gold apple.

"For you silly!" Tooth's smile was friendly. She picked up the apple and flew over to me. "Here you go." She held it out to me and I took it as North and Bunnymund sat down. I just stood there, holding the apple in my palm while they all watched me.

"Go on, eat it." North urged me on.

I glanced at Jack who had his hood up and was staring at the ground. I couldn't see his face at all. One hand was shoved into his pockets while the other was gripping his staff tightly and making his knuckles even more paler than they were already.

"Now?" I asked, staring down at the apple.

"It's your breakfast." Bunnymund said as he laid back in his chair. "You needa eat something."

"Ok," I took a small bite of the apple. It was actually pretty good! I took a larger bite and it was yummy! But somehow, it didn't seem like a real apple to me. Jack looked up and watched me eat. I caught his eye and stopped for a moment. I didn't especially like him so much because he's the one that froze Dad. I bit into the apple angrily. After I was all done I felt weird.

Almost happy. I thought that was strange since I was mad at the Guardians even though they gave me food which I don't actually think is real food.

Sandy stood up and so did Jack. His hood fell back to reveal his face. His eyes looked pained but he gave me a faint smile.

Sandy stretched out a hand and lightly touched my arm. He drew his finger back slowly and out of my body came this jet black sand, like the ones that the Nightmares where made out of. My eyes grew wide and I started freaking out. "What the heck!" I attempted to jump away but I felt Bunnymund's paws block my path.

Sandy regained concentration and continued pulling black sand out of me. It was really freaking me out. I mean, if you were a seven year old kid watching black sand come out of you, I bet you would be even more freaked out. "What is that?!" my voice rose in fear. It didn't hurt which I was grateful for but ya know, it was freaky.

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