Ch.10 Learning from a Punishment

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A/N: Whoa! Chapter 10 already?!?!?! Holy cow! Well, it's gonna get much longer. Hope you all will read until the very end because I know people stop reading as a story gets longer.

There's a lot of explaining going on so just bear with it. For all the info on this, I used the Guardians of Children's actual website, where the books that the movie is based on, is. (make any sense? >.<) And I also used wikipedia. The stuff from wiki is what I'm basing the background stories off of, and my imagination because it didn't say everything and I never read the books so... yeah. If I get anything wrong with the facts, PM me and if you want me to add anything, PM me also ;D

Anyway, Enjoy!

Ch.10 Learning from a Punishment

So, my punishment ended up not as severe as I thought, which is good. Turns out I only have to clean out the attic. My first reaction was "We have an attic?!" But yeah, we do and I have to clean it. Goody.... Well, I guess it could have been a whole lot worse if Mom didn't interfere and say that I'm only mortal and doesn't need some weird magical punishment.

And Isaac doesn't get any punishment for trying to fight. I mean, I was fighting too, but the wrong person. So it'll be me all the way upstairs, only with dust bunnies for company and probably sneezing all over the universe because of them.

First, I had to find the stairs to the attic. That was my first obstacle. No one bothered to help me look. The only clue I had was to look up. So that's what I did. I wandered around the whole upstairs, looking up and trying not to ram into anything in the process. I finally found it in my room. There was a rectangular hole with a sting attached to pull down on. I have no clue how I missed that every day.

I reached up and yanked on the string. The door opened and tumbled out were foldable stairs. I yelped in surprise and moved out of the way. Dust made a cloud and I started coughing and waving my hand to make it go away. When it cleared, the stairs led up to a dark opening.

I took a cautious step onto the ladder. When I knew it was secure, I began to climb. When I reached the top, I turned on the flashlight that was in my pocket. The attic was pretty big with a million boxes and some old furniture. I looked around for a light switch and finally found one. I switched it on and dim light flooded the attic.

I reached for a random box an picked it up. It had MiM written on the side. Wonder what that meant. I opened the box, and a picture of a happy man (who looked short) greeted me. Under the photo were some papers. They had random stuff scribbled on it like "during Golden Age", "sent to moon", "baby MiM", "attacked Clipper" and many other things. But the last one I saw caught my eye: "formed Guardians."

I stared at the faded picture longer, finally putting the initials MiM together. Man in the Moon. Whoa! Total breakthrough for me. All I knew about MiM was that he helped the Guardians, but I didn't know he formed them.

Under those papers were some sketches of butterflies (or were they moths?), some kind of worms, mice and robots?In really tiny print at the bottom of the papers, I could just make out some words. Lunar Moths (so they were moths!), glowworms, moonmice and moonbots...? I flipped to the back of the sketches.

Lunar moths are MiM's best friends and they're basically giant moths that can be ridden. Apparently they protected MiM and helped him see his parents' constellations. Wait, what? All this stuff doesn't even make sense! but it's still interesting.

The worms happened to be glowworms, and were pretty much the giant flashlights of the moon. They also helped MiM tell the Guardians how to protect children. The mice were just there. The robots were guards for MiM's ship, the Moon Clipper.

And there was one more thing in the box. A book with MiM's picture taped on the cover. I opened it and found that it was a hand written journal by Dad. His handwriting was long and cursivey. I decided I might as well read it.

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