Ch.6 Deal or No Deal?

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A/N: Merry Christmas Eve! :D And it's Louis Tomlinson's birthday too! :P I hope everyone has or had (depending on when you read this) a good day! This is dedicated to Iaanwo for guessing correctly what would happen in this chapter! ;) And was also the only one that wished Athena a happy birthday on the 21st! :3

Ch.6 Deal or No Deal?

"Thea!" I heard Mom frantically shout.

I don't acknowledge her because I felt really dizzy and my head hurt. It turned out that I was laying down in the snow, facing upwards.

"Athena?" I heard Jack whisper softly and the snow by my ears crunched as he stepped closer.

"You stay away from her!" Mom snarled at him.

I groaned softly. Both of their voices sounded far away and a bit unclear, but still harsh. I didn't want them to fight at all, and I guess it was a good thing I passed out. At least it made them stop. For now, but it probably wont last that long.

"I'm just trying to help!" Jack defended, snapping back at Mom.

Like I said; it probably wont last long.

"Says the creature that almost froze me solid just like my husband!" Mom screeched. I felt the air whoosh by as she stood up abruptly.

"You attacked me first!" Jack shouted. I felt him stand up too.

I cracked my eye open a little bit to see Mom and Jack nearly melting the snow around them with their anger and frustration. That's saying a lot since Jack can't keep anything warm to save his life, and Mom is a mortal. But, I'm starting to have second guesses now. I kept my head down, buried in the snow until I slowly sat up. I got up too fast and that rushing, dizzying feeling came to me and my vision blurred. I was about to fall over before Mom crouched down in time and caught me. I stayed there and waited for my head to stop aching.

"Thea!" Mom gasped and put her hand on my forehead. I opened both my eyes to see her looking me over, checking for any damage. She gasped again. Looks like she found some. "You're burnt!"

"Burnt?" Jack asked in confusion. He knelt down besides us in the snow, but Mom didn't let him get too close.

Now that they mentioned it, I felt the pain around my collarbone and neck area. I lifted my hand to feel if it was true since I couldn't see it.

"Don't touch it!" Mom scolded as she pulled my hand away before I could even get it near the burnt area.

"How did I get burnt?" I wondered. My voice came out quietly and they both had to lean in to hear me. It hurt me to talk since some of my lower jaw was burnt too.

"I think we hit you when we tried to hit each other." Jack's face turned to concern as he looked at me. "Apparently dark and frost don't mix very well, especially when coming in contact with a person."

"You think?!" Mom turned around quickly and glared at Jack. In the process, she jerked me to the side and I let out a pained yelp. "I'm sorry!" Mom turned bak around, her eyes wide.

"You were apart of it too!" Jack accused, getting up and leaning on his staff.

"You better pay for this." Mom hissed menacingly. She stood up slowly and carried me bridal style.

"Oh yeah, and why me?" Jack narrowed his eyes and shoved a hand into his hoddie pocket.

"You have half my family held captive. I deserve a little something to keep us together." Mom stroked my face and I didn't say a word, just looked at Jack with pleading eyes.

"Oh yeah?" Jack glared at Mom. "And what did you have in mind?"

"Since you have grown a little too attached to my daughter," Jack looked down at me when she said that. "And also to pay for the things you did to her," Jack's eyes widened and he was about to say something, but Mom continued. "I'm offering you a deal." Jack nodded reluctantly for her to go on. "You give me Pitch AND Isaac back and I will tell Pitch not to try to ruin your lives for a while, till a month after Christmas." Jack had this 'are you kidding me?!' look on his face. "Do we have a deal?"

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