Well fuck. Another smut. ya girl has a problem with this now e.e Damnit guys!
Nobody's POV
For a while the school that most ultimates attended were planning a trip to a place that has just opened, the area was a camping spot lined with trees of all sorts, each one was unique in its own way either being a different colour or a very strange shape,
Students had been asked to pack their items, only the important things though like Clothes and medical items and especially phones to keep in contact, they were a MUST have. "Mannn! It's amazing how fast time flew by!" Kokichi was skipping next to group of friends
"Calm down Kokichi, jeez." Shuichi sighed as he watched the small boy bounce around him and his friends. "Shuichi is right Kokichi, maybe you should calm down, it isn't THAT big of a deal." Kaede stated. "Not a big deal?! Kayayday, this is a one of a kind place!"
Shuichi sighed once more as the small boy stopped them with a 'Angry?' expression on his face "Kokichi, Please,-" "SHUMAI!" He snapped at the taller boy making the group gasp "I'm not going to argue with you Ouma." Shuichi turned around and walked away
"Well. Good going virgin!" Miu appeared behind the boy while laughing. "Miu! Don't be so rude..." Kaede jumped in "Oh hush! This is our conversation," Miu flicked her hair at Kaede.
Kaede huffed as she rushed to follow Shuichi. "Damn! He called you Ouma! BAHAHA! You Fucked up piss boy." Miu pushed Kokichi slightly but playfully. Tears rolled down his face "Woah, I didn't mean to offend you Kokichi.." she placed her hand around his shoulder.
He looked up at her "I- I just.." Kokichi couldn't Finnish his sentence since tears flooded from his eyes "Is this about Pooichi?" Miu comforted the small boy "MIU, I'VE RUINED EVERYTHING!!!" He cried.
Miu tried to comfort him some more "Hey..it's probably because you're so... you know..." She didn't what to say "Pushy? Annoying? Stupid?" Kokichi cried more "Nooo...no...you just get so directing?" Miu said patting his back.
"I see.." Kokichi ran off as an announcement started to play 'All students please report outside.. if you don't arrive you shall not be waiting for..we leave in 10...' the small boy didn't care about the announcement anymore, he wanted to spend time with someone who probably hated him now.
The girl chased after him as she had heard the announcement "Kokichi wait! You could make it up to him on the trip!" She yelled out making him stop. "He isn't going to go." He corrected the girl. She pointed outside "I see otherwise."
Shuichi was with Kaede both waiting to enter the bus. "Let's go!" Miu yelled handing the boys bag to him, he slowly nodded then ran outside to the awaiting bus. The line died down as Miu was chatting to the small boy who had his eyes set on the tall navy haired boy.
"Oi! Kokichi! Stop staring at his ass and go apologize!" Miu pushed him forward, he nodded and rushed over to him "Shumai!" He called out, the tall boy turned around but looked back ignoring the smaller boys calls.
Shuichis POV
"Shuichi...you should probably reply to him...it's rude if you don't..." I shrugged "Who cares Kaede? I knew trusting Kokichi was a mistake." Kaede gasped "But Shuichi! He probably didn't mean to come off as rude!" She said as we stepped onto the bus
We headed to the back since it was pretty much empty since everyone was upstairs in the roofless area. "I don't care." I sat down in the very back corner "Then that makes you as bad as him." Kaede sighed and opened her backpack taking her phone out.
"Kaede..." She shook her head "Nope, I can't hear youuu" she put on some headphones and put them over her ears "Kaede! Seriously.." I sighed "Shuichi. He most likely didn't mean to be rude, he's just used to..well...being a leader." She said.

✨ Saiouma Oneshots ✨
Fanfictionrequests are open! I have completely restarted my account so all my main stories are gone so 🥱 I just really love Saiouma, I will swap between who's on top or bottom ;) lol. I am ok with Smuts and lemon 😶 🍋 I ain't good at writing smut BC I get t...