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Mia POV:

Today is the day that I have been training for. In a couple minutes I have to get in the ring and fight.

"Mia you ready! Come on I know you're going to do great let's go."
Walking towards the ring I try to get my nerves in check.
'Don't hesitate. You hesitate to much.'

'Im proud of you hun'

'I know you can do this princess.'

Hearing my name being announced snaps me out of my thought. A woman walks in the ring and she's announced as Shadow.

The fight starts and Shadow and I circle around eachother. Shadow is the first to punch. Throwing a punch at my face. Blocking just in time I come back with my own punch. I quickly retreat when it gets blocked. Shadow drops her arm from her face and gives me enough time to punch her in the face. Straddling her I punch her repeatedly. Shadow turns us around and starts punching me in the face. Getting a metallic taste in my mouth I push her off off me and stand up. Wiping my hand against my mouth I see some blood dripping down my lips.

Kicking her in the ribs she falls down and stays down. The crowd is silent. After a minute of silent people start cheering and clapping.
"The winner is red!"

Looking towards the booths in the back I spot Axel with his friends. He has a smirk on his face. Walking out of the ring I spot my manager with a bag.
"Here kid. You deserved it."
Frowning I open the bag and see cash.
"What.... is that all for me?"
Giving me a gentle smile he nods his head.
"Here since you have been a lot of help. As a thank you."
I put money in his hand and walk away.

Walking out the door arms wrap around my waist.
"You did amazing princess! Ready to go home?"

"Yeah let's go home." Kissing me on my cheeks, forehead, nose and than the lips. He grabs my hand and leads me to the car.
Arriving home we get in the shower and go to bedroom.
Axel softly kisses me on my lips. He slowly makes his way down from my jaw to my neck and leaves small kisses.
That night our body's worked together as one as we made love.

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