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Mia POV:

Axel slowly leans in and kisses me. After a minute or two he slowly trails his lips down from my chin to my neck "Ahh Axel" I feel him smirking as he hears me moan. Kissing down from my neck he slowly makes his way down to my pussy. Pulling of my underwear he slowly puts a finger on my lips and let's his finger gets wet. Out of nowhere I feel him pushing his finger in.

"Ahh.... what the?" Looking at my alarm clock I see it's 6:30 am. Slowly getting up I make my way to my shower. Did I just dream about Axel. That's new. It felt so real...
Walking to my closet I pick out some black pants with a black long sleeved shirt and white sneakers. "Goodmorning mom! "Oh goodmorning sweety.... your up early. You look like crap hahah. No kidding hun." "Thanks mom appreciate it a lot. What's for breakfast?" "I made some pancakes there on the counter."
Grabbing my pancakes I make my way to the couch and turn the tv on.

"Hey Princess ." Feeling arms wrapping around you . You know it's Axel so you lean back against him. "Hey baby." "What are your plans Princess?" "Well I actually just got a job at this Diner and my first shift is today." "Hmm that's nice babyy I might just drop by with the guys. I need to go home so I'll see you at the diner okay? What's the name?" "It's Jerry's diner. I would love for you to drop by." Giving you a quick kiss on the lips you both part ways.

The diner turns quite so you look at the door to see who walked in. Looking at the door you see your boyfriend walking I with his friends.
Turning your gaze back at the lady in front you give a small smile to her and her daughter. "So one Chocolate milk and a chocolate chip cookie and a black coffee coming right up." Walking back to the counter you give the order to one of your coworkers. "Mia go to the table with the guys who just walked in and take their order and then come back to take this one to the table!
"Hello I'll be your server! What can I get you guys?" "I'll get a cappuccino princess." Getting everyone's orders you go to the counter to grab the order for the woman with her child. The rest of your shift was filled with helping customers and Axel staring at you from his table.

You and Axel have been dating for a month now and you have met some of the guys from the gang. Axel and his friends have been coming to the diner almost everyday. You also met his mom and his dad. His mom who's a total sweetheart with a little attitude (in a good way) and his dad was very kind he has a rough exterieur, but he's very kind.
Hoping to see Axel walk in you grow disappointed to see that it's not Axel and his friends, but another group with guys.
"Hello I'll be your server tonight what can I get you guys?" "You sweets" "I'm sorry but I'm not on the menu now what can I get you?" "Tsk a black coffee sweets" after taking the orders you walk to the counter, but as you walk away you feel eyes staring at you.
The guys stayed almost until closing and they made you incredibly uncomfortable.
"Okay Allison I'm going home!" "Alright sweetie ill see you next week!"
Walking out of the cold diner you are met with the cold night. Ughh it's so cold... of course mom had to overwork so I have to walk home.
After about 10 min you started getting a bad feeling as if someone was staring at you. After another min you start to notice a group of guys following you. OMGG those are the guys from the diner.
Picking up your pace you hope the guys will back off but it makes them walk faster. Your breath hitches in your throat so you start running. AXELL.
Ring ring.... ring ring
"Heyy princess got of work fine?" "Axel please some guys are following me! P-pleasee HELP!

Axel POV:
Ring ring... ring ring.
"Hey princess got of work fine?" "Axel please some guys are following me! P- please!!! HELP!" Running down the stairs I see all the guys playing cars together. "GET UP MY PRINCESS IS IN DANGER! Princess where are you?..... princess please answer.... baby I know your scared, but I'm going to help you. I just need you to tell me where you are." "(Insert street name here) p-please come fast p-please" running out of the house with the guys we take the Jeep with us. Keeping my girl on the phone we finally arrive after 15 min. "Baby....baby we are here!" "AHHHHHH"

Mia POV:
One of the guys tackles me to the ground as I hear Axel on the other side of the phone talking with the guys. Ahhh that's painful!!
The guys drag me to an alleyway and one of them thrown my phone to the ground. "Hey sweets." Ugh this guys again? "What do you want from me?!" "Well your so hot I just wanted to have some fun, but you weren't so nice to me ignoring me in the diner." "Get the hell away from me!" SLAP "ow" he rips my shirt an pushes me against the wall as the guys start laughing. Tears form In my eyes. "GET OF YOU BITCH!!" SLAP "Don't you fucking talk to me like that now be a good girl or I'll have to hurt you even more." Kneeing him in the balls I try to make a run for it when one of the guys punches me in the face knocking me to the ground.
The guy stands up and charges at me throwing punches left and right.
Pain... that's all I feel the second the guy stabs me. Before losing consciousness I see someone punch the guy off.


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