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Axel's POV:

Waking up next to Mia will probably always be my favorite thing. Looking at her face I take her in for a moment. Hair sprawled around her head making her look even more like an angel. Nose twitching ever so often and pink lips slightly parted. My hand goes through her hair softly knowing she loves that. Putting my other hand through my hair I sign softly.
Hearing a little groan my eyes look down at her. Slowly her beautiful blue orbs look right at me.
"Well good morning sleeping beauty. How did you sleep?"

Rubbing her eyes softly she sighs tiredly. "I slept good although my body aches so much."
Chuckling softly I hum quietly. "Let me make you some coffee." Kissing her on the forehead I make my way out of bed and put on some sweats. Walking downstairs I see one of my maids in the kitchen. "Good morning Olivia."
"Good morning honey. How did you and Miss Mia sleep?" Olivia has been a maid for my family since I was a young boy. Taking care of me when my parents would be out on business.
Making myself and Mia coffee I turn back to Ria. "We slept good Olivia and you?"
"Good honey. Now take your coffee and go upstairs. By the way your aunt is on her way."

Closing the door behind me I repeat the words in my head. 'Your aunt is in her way.'
"Here you go princess. Ria my maid just told me my aunt was coming, but not what time."
Taking a sip of my coffee I await her reaction.
"Alright..... that's good right?"
Humming softly I drink the rest of my coffee before wrapping my arms around her.
"Yeah that's good I have a good bond with her and my cousins, but if she's here and my cousins are here well my brothers might be here too."
Putting her cup down she turns her body around to face me. "Brothers?"
"Yeah I uhm have two brothers actually. One older one and one younger one. My older brother Raffael is 30 and my younger brother John is 22. My cousins names are Tony, Michael and Matthew."
Snuggling her head into my neck she gives little feather kisses. "You didn't tell me that you had brothers. I'm curious to meet them."
"I know...I'm sorry baby I'm really fucking sorry. I just I love my brothers a lot and haven't seen them for a little while. Last that I saw them was a couple months ago. They went with my uncle and cousins to there home to work there while I stayed here and took care of all the stuff I had to."
"If Raffael is older why isn't he here?"
"He uhm never really wanted to be leader he's more off co leader you could say he helps me, but I do most alone."
Softly running my fingers over her head I feel her breath even out. Feeling myself drift off to I allow myself to close my eyes and rest.

Snapping my eyes open I look towards the door and feel a smirk coming onto my face.
"Hello Love."
"Hello Bria."
Mia's eyes dart between us wondering who just barged into my bedroom.
Bria has black hair with light blonde eyes. Wearing a black coat and a red dress. Black heels and a black purse.
"Well who is this hmm?"
"This is my woman Bria. Bria this is Mia my girlfriend. Mia this is my aunt Bria. Now tell me what you think you are doing barging into my room like this hmm."
"Well I called your damn name, but you didn't answer and than your maid tells me you are still in bed." Walking towards my blindfolds she rips them open. "Come your cousins and brothers and waiting and I'm sure they would love to meet the woman who has stolen our boys heart." Without waiting for an answer she walks out. The clicking of her heals following behind her.
"Well uhm that's your aunt then."
"Yeah I know that's my aunt. She's a strong woman and cares about all of us. We're her family and family takes care of one another. She likes you I can see it in her eyes. Her eyes always tell what she thinks."
Getting out of bed we get ourselves ready and walk downstairs hand in hand.

"Brother." Raffael claps me on my shoulder before trailing his eyes on Mia. "My my this might be Mia. When Brie told us you had a woman I just got exited to see for myself and I'm glad I did. I'm glad your happy little bro. It's nice to meet you Mia. Come meet the fam."

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