1. Where The Story Begins

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Hi everyone, first of all I wanna say thank you for choosing my story. I just wanted to tell that the first chapters are gonna be a bit short and also not that good written. It's just that they were quickly written cuz I wanted to publish it fast. So I hope that once you get in it a bit you'll enjoy! I promise it gets better after a few chapters! So I hope you understand and if you have questions about the plot or anything let me know. Hope you'll like the story, enjoy :)))

A ray of sunshine sneaked through the closed blinds and has somehow found his way to the sleeping girl laying there. It was still very early in the day. The city beneath was still asleep.

A intriguing melody became louder and louder by the second. She stumbled out of bed grunting and mumbling cusses under her breath.

"Hello?" spoke the girl still half a sleep

"Oi sorry did i wake ya up?"

"Yes Lorena, yes you did. What d' ya want?" said the girl wishing she was never born

"So i met this guyyy, and he is throwing a party tonight, and asked if i wanted to come. And he said i can bring someone. Ya wanna come?"

"Tonight? I don't know, i don't feel like it"

"Come on!! It i'll be fun, ya gotta get over the scumbag, it's good to get ya mind of for a bit ey?" said the girl on the other line smirking

"I will think about it, now let me go back to sleep you knob"

"Bye bestie, i love you too" Lorena spoke provocatively

Quickly enough she stumbled back to her cosy, warm habitat and didn't leave for a couple hours.

Rain clattering against her the window, outside the house where she lived in were now people hiding from the upcoming thunderstorm. Wind whooshing hard enough you'd think a tree will fall down. The slim figure of her was now climbing out of bed struggling to stay up right. Stumbling against the walls now and then as she finally made her way in to the kitchen.

Trying to keep her eyes open, she began making some dark coffee. Drinking a bit to try and wake her up while she checked her phone. She had hundreds of messages waiting to be opened , but she couldn't care less. "Why does everyone keep bothering me?" she thought to herself. 

The city was now a complete mess, everyone trying to get home before they were captured by the ongoing storm. The trees dancing to the sweet melody of the blowing wind. The messy streets were everyone was trying to get a cab.

Suddenly a phone call came in with the name she already expected.

She picked up the phone cussing like a old man. Because every time he calls trouble came within.

"Emile, im gonna tell you this one last time. Stop calling me, stop texting me, stop following me every where. You were the one who messed me up and im not letting you break me in to pieces that i just cleaned up again for the thousandth time." she spoke as trying her best not to crumble to pieces by his company.

"But Athe-" Emile quickly said before he got cut of by Athena's quick response before he could hurt her even more.

She felt her stomach turn upside down. She couldn't eat anything anymore in result by her passed lovers quick pass by. The guy who she used to love the most, who she trusted the most, had broken her. He had did too many unforgivable things to her. But she just never could let go. Until she really couldn't anymore. Until waking up was even hard. Until she couldn't eat one bite anymore. Sometimes she would still find her crawling back to him.

Every small reminder of the past, she would find herself trying so hard not to crumble to pieces.

With that said she quickly turnt on the tv. Trying her best not to let her sink back in the black hole she just came out. She turnt on "Breaking Bad" her favourite tv show, and tried to eat some breakfast.

Now 5 episode's in her phone churned, a text message.

Ya coming to the party or not?

What are you talking about?

The one i called about this morning, which one else??

Oh yes i remember, i don't know, you will be mad if i don't come soo

Yes you better come, i'll come pick ya up at 8, it's at a pretty fancy venue so dress nice

As said she waited for the evening, to get ready for the party, that was going to change a lot in here life.

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