2. An Exciting Night

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As the evening came around Athena started to get ready. Lorena said she should dress fancy and so she did. She choose a black silk dress, not to long just under her tighs. Her hair curled and was just laying on her shoulder.

It took long before she became to appreciate her body. She always thought it was ugly. Athena her body was just like the goddesses. She was pretty slim and had a beautiful hourglass figure but she always says that she doesn't like her "big" thighs. Her face was round and she had beautiful chubby cheeks, a small nose and big brown eyes you could melt in. Her eyes were so mesmerising, she looked like that mysterious stranger you would walk by and make you curious, make you want to know every detail of her. And she was pretty tall too, when younger she was always the tallest of the whole grade.
But that beautiful, elegant girl didn't appreciate what she had until not long ago.
A couple years ago she would never dress up or do anything about her self care, she couldn't care less. That came to an end a couple months ago, until she went to see a therapist. Emile had really broke that she couldn't fix herself anymore. So she want and it really helped her, therapy had help her go thru the awful things she had to go thru.

It was already past 8 when Lorena arrived. Athena was not the social kind. If she could skip a social event, with no second thought she would. But when alcohol was involved all the anxiety would flush away.

Miss Babineaux, I'm not gonna wait forever, if you don't come down in 2 minutes, im gonna go

Fuck you im coming ok

Athena quickly put on her heels, grabbed her purse, shut the door and left. She lived on the ground floor so she quickly stormed out her apartment. Lorena was waiting already waiting very impatiently in her car.

"Why does it always take you so long to get ready?" Lorena asked whilst quickly starting up the car

"I was just debating on coming or not, you know that i don't like these things" said Athena whilst struggling to put on her shoes

"I'm sorry that i always drag you along, but without ya it wouldn't be as fun ya know. And maybe you'll meet someoneee"  smirked Lorena as she was trying to keep them both alive

The car ride to the venue was mostly singing along to very loud music they loved, the strokes were both the girls favourite artists. They knew every single word to their songs.

It was almost 9 when they finally arrived. And as Lorena said the venue was indeed very chique, all those cars that you'll never see yourself riding in were there. One car especially caught Athenas attention, it was a beautiful black Cadillac, her dream car. The venue was dimly lit by golden lights shining over it. There was a banner that she found quite intriguing, it said "Suck It And See by Arctic Monkeys"

That name rang a bell, probably heard it on the radio. Lorena parked the car and they quickly headed inside.

The venue on the inside was even bigger then you could see from outside. The place was lit by soft blue lights. It had a big bar, and on the front there was a stage set up. There was one big poster hanging from the wall, it said "suck it and see" in black and the background was just beige, it was pretty simple but made you wonder what meaning it had. The venue was buzzing from all the laughter and chatter, it could not have been more exciting.

"Lorena!!" a brown haired man yelled as he approached us

"I'm so glad ya made it!" he yelled exited over the music playing

the man was honestly quite good looking Athena thought to herself. He had beautiful brown curls and had big blue eyes, he's smile was the sweetest and most genuine you would ever see.

"Hi Nick!! Of course i came, i couldn't miss your new album release! Thanks for inviting us!" Lorena shouted so happily, Athena could not be anymore happier than seeing her bestfriend so happy at the sight of the guy named "Nick".

"Ello beautiful lady, I'm Nick and may i ask what your name is?" Nick asked politely

"Hello, I'm Athena, pleasure to meet ya, congratulations on your new album!" she shouted trying over all the noise

"Thanks love, come on id like yous to meet me bunch of fookers" Nick said as he guided us thru all the guests

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