11. Despair In The Departure Lounge

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Not once did Emile call or text on his own initiative, when he did he was asking for pictures he couldn't miss for a couple days. Athena didn't really like taking that kind of pictures because she didn't like that all that would be on camera. But she didn't want to complain, so she just did it.

The night they went out eating was like always when everyone was together. Always the loudest in the room. Everyone laughing. Athena went to sit next to Jamie. And across her sat Alex. He tried not to keep staring but it was really just impossible for him. The way she laughed always fascinated Alex, she was truly too beautiful. The night passed by in a wink of an eye.

The next day the boys worked in the studio at the place that they rented. The girls spent the day at the beach again, with Miles. He dragged everyone to go in to the sea against their will. They were having a great time, playing with the beach ball, playing games, trying to splash each other. Athena was getting thirsty so she decided to go in to get something to drink. On the way in to the kitchen you would have to pass by the studio the guys were working in. Surprisingly she heard her name in the conversation. She didn't want eavesdrop as she knew it would not end well, but something just couldn't stop her.

"Matt I've tried to stop but I just can't go a minute without thinking about her. She's the only thing on me mind. I think I'm in love Matt. I know I've had the curtesy to say that very early in me relationships, but with her it's real. When I try to write songs, i can only write about her. She can't find it out, because I know she's happy now with that mad man, but he's not treating her right. I can't see it in he's eyes." Alex explained to Matt.

Stunned she stood there. She couldn't believe her ears. "No no no no. This did not happen. What do I do now. No this cannot be true. He doesn't feel this way about you, it's not true" She didn't know what to do. She didn't have anywhere to go. She just stood there for minutes long, trying to convince herself this did not happen, that Alex didn't feel this way. She was with Emile, and didn't want to leave. She had tried to break up with him a couple times, but he had always found a way in to convincing her to stay.

She ran up stairs to her room, whom she shared with Jamie. She tried to hold on the tears but it was now impossible. Rivers of water streamed down her face. Hopelessly crying. Her life had just found a little stability, now it was flipped upside down, right in the tornado. Because Athena stayed away for so long Lorena started to worry, so she decided to go check up on her friend. She couldn't find her anywhere downstairs so she went up. Then she heard hopeless sobs coming from Athenas room so she knew something was wrong.

"Athena, what's wrong? What happened?" Lorena asked concerned

"Al- Alex" Athena tried to speak."He was saying things like "I can't stop thinking about Athena. I think I'm in love" but Lorena, this can't be true. What do I do? I've finally found some stability after everything that had happend, and now it's all gone." Athena questioned despairingly.

"Athena, I'm gonna ask you one question" Lorena stated "Do you-" she got interrupted by Jamie swinging the door open singing. He quickly became aware of the elephant in the room. Lorena asked him to leave so he did.

"Okey I wanted to ask" Lorena sighed "Do you love him too?"

"Wha- what? Why?" Athena asked

"I've seen the way ya two look at each other. He's always staring at ya, and even though you don't always I can see you following his every move." Lorena explained

"I don't know. I really have no idea Lorena. I'm still figuring things out, and now all this comes." She said whilst hugging her dear friend. The words of Lorena set her on thinking. Does she actually love Alex?

Lorena forced her down to come eat. Athena was very quiet. But Lorena let it seem normal that no one would think something of it. After dinner everyone decided to go out and make a campfire. The night was deep, the silvery moon is dotted with the dark blue night sky, with infinite stars running around her, chasing and playing. The stars will hold the moon, so the moon would not be lonely tonight.

Everyone surrounded the glow or warmth at night. Laughing and chatting away the night. Miles and Alex started playing some tunes. While Athena lit her cigarette using the campfire. Alex found that one of the most attractive Athena did. He was watching her every move. This time Athena didn't seem to notice it. She was on a completely different planet.

She had now gotten back with Emile for about a month. It was going very good the first few weeks, but then things started to change. Emile didn't keep the promises he made so much anymore. But Athena didn't seem to notice as she was to focused on being a good girlfriend. Emile started to never text or call first. He would get easily frustrated by Athena's every move and then blaming it on her. Then he would give her the cold shoulder so that she would come apologise for his mistakes. All her friends would say to break up with him. But he just begged and begged to let her stay. But she still loved him like he used to love her. And she was now questioning all of this because of the simple words of Alex, that he wasn't even aware of that Athena heard.

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