23. A Pearl

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What is a home? The definition of home is the place where one lives permanently, especially as a member of a family or household. But the real meaning behind that is not only the place you live. But is has more meaning behind it, much more. Home means an enjoyable, happy place where you can be yourself. It's somewhere where you are loved, respected, and cared for. When you look at it from the outside, home is just a house. But can a person be a home for someone? That's a question that had been left rather unanswered, but when you are with the right person, anywhere near them feels like home.

Miles had noticed that Athena and Alex were gone, so he began searching for them. He looked in every corner of the venue but they were nowhere to be seen. So he decided to go look for them outside. He suddenly spotted his two friends in the distance fully drenched, completely alone, kissing in the rain. They'd finally found their way to each other. It was not the easiest thing, but they were like magnets who'd always find their way back to each other.

Miles was the first one to know about Alex's feelings. He always came to him. He knew how much Athena had come to mean for Alex. With the biggest smile plastered on his face he adored the romantic movie scene they'd found themselves in.

It felt like hours, like eternity. Wishing they'd stay forever in the moment Athena looked into his sparkling eyes searching for an answer.

"I could never live without you Al, I would never want nothing to do with ya. Yer me certainty in life, yer the only thing that makes sense right now. I could never let you go like that"

Everything finally began to make sense. Athena was finally helped out the hole she'd been falling back in, very deeply. The world that was crashing down began to rebuild itself. Everything was going to be alright.

After they'd had there little moment, they went back in as they were completely soaked. When Miles saw that they'd came in, he couldn't help but smile, infecting the other's as they all slowly knew what was going on. Because they'd been outside for hours.

They were so wet that Athena decided it was best to go home, and insisted on Alex coming. Alex told Athena she could already go in the car because he needed to go get something. The rain had now stopped, and the sky had cleared. The moon was back at its normal position, protecting the earth from total darkness.

The hours had flew by, it was early in the morning. Athena had been getting to much sleep the last weeks, so she fell asleep waiting. But what she didn't know is that Alex had already came back and he'd drove them both back to her house. He didn't want to wake her up so he just sat there, next to Athena, admiring her. He moved and suddenly he'd put on the radio. Causing Athena to wake right up.

"Oh god" Alex grunted while mentally slapping himself

"Don't worry, I was ought to wake up some time" Athena cackled "Have ya waited her the whole time?"

"Uh yes, i didn't want to wake ya up, ya looked so peaceful" he confessed

"Aw stop it, I've never looked peaceful and never will. Come on let's go in" Athena spoke

Opening the door they were immediately hit with the alluring scent of home. When she would come back from a long day out, her apartment would ha e it's own unique smell. Everything was still the same as she left it, only she changed, one night and she was already a fully new person.

"D'ya got a record player?" Alex asked

"Yes, i have one. Why?" Athena questioned

"Uhm since ya haven't been able to listen to the album, I thought I'd bring it over so ye can listen to it" he explained

Athena smiled at his answer and they went to her bedroom where a record player stood. It was still very early in the morning, it was still dark but both didn't need sleep, they needed to enjoy each other's company while they still had it.

So Alex took out the record of his newly released album and placed it on the record player, slowly placing the needle on top of the tape, letting the music come through as Alex strudded to her bed and lay down on it. The first track began to sound, a slower but seductive melody.

So have you got the guts?
Been wonderin' if your heart's still open
And if so, I wanna know what time it shuts
Simmer down an' pucker up, I'm sorry to interrupt
It's just I'm constantly on the cusp of tryin' to kiss you
I don't know if you feel the same as I do
But we could be together if you wanted to

Alex's voice rang through her ears, room and house, the voice she could never get enough from. All the songs on the album sounded quite familiar, it was like she already knew something. When the fourth song on the album came on, she noticed a change in tempo, dynamic. This song was a lot calmer then the first few.

Lights in the floors and sweat on the walls
Cages and poles
Call off the search for your soul
Or put it on hold again
She's having a sly indoor smoke

It became very clear that he was singing about her, about the first night they met. It felt weird that she was someone's muse, someone could write such masterpieces about herself. Athena really couldn't believe it. Every song was amazingly good on its on, she loved every one of them.

While the last song came to an end she didn't know what to say anymore, he's works had made her speechless, especially the last one "I Wanna Be Yours" that song was something from another planet, it was divine. It was a straight up love letter. Alex was still laying on her bed, eyes on the shocked Athena. She was slowly walked over to him. With a tear rolling down on her cheek and a warm smile forming on her lips she came closer, and she whispered "I'm fully yours Alex, every part of me, all yours "

The night was one of their happiest moments together. They had finally found each other. They had finally figured their feelings out, at least they thought they had. But they were happy, happy together.

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