22. Please Don't Say You Love Me

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The summer was gone as fast as it came. Everyone was terribly busy. The bands upcoming album was about to be released. So they were day and night in the studio. Athena had know already two published books, now she was working on taking photographs and illustrations. Everyone had something to keep them busy. After the night that Athena heard Alex, they almost didn't talk for the whole summer. Only saw each other when the other ones got together. Both sort of let it pass by, and left their feelings undissolved. They still didn't know the right answer. All her friends had tried to help, but it was too difficult.

Tonight was the night of the album release, their sixth. Athena was very proud, that they'd come so far already. She found her very lucky to be so close to such talented people. Athena was going to wear a cream satin slip dress, that fitted right perfect on her figure. The weather was quite bad, rain clattering against the windows of her apartment. The moon was robbed from giving the earth her warming, pale and secure glance. She was now hiding behind the thunderclouds that stole her place. The time ticking by very delicately, waiting to leave for the night.

Running outside to her car as the heavenly tears were falling rapidly from the sky. It was darker than dark, pitch black. The roads were fully stuffed with people trying to get to their destinations as fast as possible. Athena almost never sat in silence, but today was completely different. The past few weeks were very hard. Her grandpa had died and she was not going to be able to attend his funeral, her father was sick. It was good that she could have a night out, away from being imprisoned in her own dark thoughts. That bad habit of hers had been picked up again and was now worse than ever. Her world was crumbling down in to pieces around her and she could do nothing about it.

The venue were the party was held was not too far from her so it wouldn't be too long. It was a quite big one, just like the last time. When she finally found a parking spot she sat there for awhile, thinking about what to say tonight. Alex insisted on letting her hear it for the first time today, not earlier.

Suddenly she found herself crying. These type of breakdowns became more often now. Sometimes she would wake up in the middle of the night seeking for oxygen as she had cried in a dream. She would be perfectly fine, and then after a minute she'd be crying like there was no tomorrow.

Finally she gathered the courage and wiped her tears away. So Athena slowly strudded inside. The venue was buzzing with laughter and chatter. Searching for familiar faces as she walked through the crowd. She found herself going to the bar for a drink. She ordered a couple shots of tequila. She licked the salt and quickly downed them all to lighten up her mood.

"Ey, hello love" a familiar voice rung through her ears. It was Matt

"I see ye've already downed a couple" he smiled sheepishly

"Its to lighten up the mood a bit" Athena beamed back "Where are ye all sitting? I couldn't find anyone of yous"

"I need to order a couple drink than we'll go alreyt? Ya want summat?" Matt asked

"Could I have a tequila soda?" she ordered

Matt and Athena catched up a bit while waiting for their order's and after that he showed their table. Everyone was there already, except Miles. There was one girl she hadn't met yet, she sat besides Nick. She was later introduced as Kelly, his girlfriend. Everyone had a partner except she and Alex.

The band kept on getting picked away for interviews and photographs. Sometimes the girls needed to go too, so a lot of times she'd be sitting there, alone, completely distracted in her mind. Suddenly snapped back in reality by a very familiar voice, Miles had finally arrived.

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