8. Bad Decisions

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When Athena was under the influence, she would make a lot of bad decisions. But this one was not only because she had a lot to drank, deep down she still loved Emile, like he said. As bad it sounds when they two together, before it went bad, they had their own good moments. And she still only saw the Emile she first fell in love with, not the one who always comes back begging for forgiveness when he had hurt her.

"I'm really sorry Athena, I am" Emile assured while hugging her. "I'll treat you right, I promise"

That's when she broke down. The tears that she kept trying to hold back were now streaming down her puffy red cheeks. The salty water dropplets splashing everywhere, as Emile held her in his arms. Abruptly the door flew wide open.

"Oi Athena" Jamie exclaimed. "What happend?" Jamie asked concerned. "What did ya do to her?" Jamie questioned Emile

"Nothing, she's just emotional" Emile quickly spat back at Jamie's question.

"Ow alreyt, I'm Jameh by the way" Jamie smiled

"Jameh, this is Emile, me boyfriend" Athena introduced. Emile forced a smile and said hello. "Can he come and join us?" Athena offered

"Yeah sure, why wouldn't he?" Jamie babbled

"You can go in first, we need to still talk a bit" Athena hummed. So Jamie went in with a very confused look on his face. Katie quickly picked up on it.

"What's wrong jameh, it looks like ya've seen a ghost" Katie laughed

"Athena was just outside with a guy, very fookin rude. She was crying in his arms and said he was her boyfriend. I don't like him, i can sense that he's a scummy man" Jamie explained

"Her boyfriend? I've never heard her mention him?" Katie said with wide eyes.

"What are yous talkin about?" Alex overheard
"What fookin boyfriend? Athena's?" Alex asked as surprised as the rest. He wanted to know more but then they came in. Indeed Athena and her boyfriend. Emile was very tall, brunette with curls, and had blue eyes. Alex was so surprised he almost fell out of his chair.

"Everyone, I'd like ya to meet me boyfriend, Emile" Athena explained

Everyone just smiled and welcomed him. Slowly the night began again. But it wasn't the quite the same with the new company. Emile didn't say too much, Alex either. They both sat there quietly. Athena would always look at Emile and asked if everything was fine, he would always answer with "I'm fine, don't worry, I just don't know your friends." So she just went on further, having conversations with all of her friends, except Alex. He was drowning in his own mind, because he didn't expect this plottwist.

When Athena glanced over at Emile, she saw that he was bored to hell, and didn't want to socialise. So she thought it might be time to go home with him.

"Ye look bored, wanna leave?" Athena asked

"No no, it's fine, if you wanna stay I'll do" Emile answered hoping that she would want to go.

"Hmm, guys, I think I'm gonna head home, I'm really tired and I have a lot of things to do tomorrow, sorry to leave so early. It was a very fun night. We should definitely do this again" Athena announced.

"Do I have to bring ye back home?" Alex offered. He was very disappointed that she had to leave so early.

"No, I'll bring her" Emile confirmed

So she said her goodbyes to everyone and left. The night was still young, but there was not much to do. Emile wasn't that much of a affectionate guy either, whenever in public he never showed any affection, not even holding hands. Athena always thought "Would a kiss be too much to ask?"

They spend the night at Athena's place. They talked for a while about how things were gonna go now. Athena spoke her mind about how she felt, and how Emile had to do something's before she could really trust him again. Things wouldn't be so easy but she trusted his words when he said he loved her. But that wouldn't always be true. It was uncertain whether the curtain had shut for good.

Despite all the overthinking, Athena was relieved too that she was again in a "stable" relationship. They were together for five years, he had cheated on her twice. They fell asleep in each other's arms while he kept on reassuring Athena everything would be fine. Those promising words were far from reality.

The sky was completely black. The stars were wiped away by her tears. The moon was the only one up there, lonely, but she never stopped watching the city fall asleep and start the day again.

Alex didn't stay long after Athena and Emile left. He wasn't in the mood for it anymore he had said. He surprisingly made it home safely, the whole car ride he was with his mind in an other universe, so lost in thought was he. "I thought she was interested in me too? How couldn't I have expected that she had someone? I can see that guy doesn't treat her right, he's no good" he kept on overthinking and overthinking as he went back to his house. Like said his house had a very warm atmosphere but the only think that missed was someone who could make it complete. He was tired of coming after an exhausting day to an empty house, with no one to cuddle with. Alex really really hated living alone. He hated not being accompanied.

Her new certainty in life gave Alex the most uncertainty.

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