Chapter 5

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Val's POV

After I heard the male's voice, I decide to keep my distance from them. Just in case something bad happens.

"I thought we all agreed you were supposed to stay outside and help us find a way out." The girl, who I now find out is named Liv, says to the male.

"Yeah, uh..." The male starts to say,

"Now how the hell are we supposed to get out of here?" Liv asks in frustration.

"I tried to keep them on the roof, but they wouldn't listen." The male says.

But the two of them were interrupted by another friend of the group, which was another male. "It's your fault we were on the roof." He says to the first male.

"It's my fault?" The first male asks the second male.

"It was your fault." The second male says back.

God, I need to start knowing their names so I don't have to be calling them by "male" all the time.

Just then, I hear music playing from the stage.

"Guys, guys, it's happening. It's happening now." Liv says.

I hear Liv's friends get out of the ball pit, which was where the landed when they fell through the roof.

"Oh, that's the nasty b*tch that tried to kill me." Liv says.

I look into the room and see Liv walking over to Siren Sara with a knife.

She can't kill them with a knife. She is going to get herself killed if she even tries.

So I speed walk over to her and grab the knife from her hand before she can stab it into Siren Sara.

Liv gives a face of confusion while looking at me.

I grab her arm and drag her over to her friends.

""What are you doing? I'm trying to help you." Liv says.

But like before, I ignore her.

"I'm trying to help her understand that she's gonna die in here, but she won't listen to me." Liv tells her friends.

And now that I am here with them, I am able to see who they are and how many there are. Including Liv, there are six of them in this pizzeria with me.

That's just great. Now I have to watch over six teenagers so they don't get killed by these murdering animatronics.

"Wait a second. Wasn't there eight of them?" The third male with the gray shirt asks while looking at the stage.

He looks at where I put the trash bags with Ozzie and Gus in. The others look in the same direction as well.

They all had surprised looks on their faces.

"Oh, that's bad*ss" The third male says.

After looking at the group, I look at Liv.

"Oh, this is good. We're connecting. We're sharing our feelings." Liv says to me.

After having enough time with these kids, I walk back into the kitchen while putting Liv's knife in my pocket.

I hear the others follow behind me.

Once I enter the kitchen, I continue to clean everything in there.

"I know the bullsh*t story they told you." Liv starts to say. " That if you clean up the place tonight, they'll pay to have your tires fixed by morning, right? It's a lie. They've said the same story to countless other over the last 20 years."

Seriously? 20 years?

I keep listening while I do my cleaning.

"They baited you. You're here to be a human sacrifice. You're here to be eaten and killed. Do you understand that?" Liv asks me.

Yeah, I understand. And I had to find out the hard way. And by "hard way," I mean fighting and destroying two animatronics that were trying to kill me.

"This town has a dark history. And it all starts with this horrible place." Liv continues.

This is good. Since Liv is going to give me a history of this place, I can learn a little bit more about it.

"You know, Willy's may seem like a happy-go-lucky child's play place, but it's much, much more than that. Willy's was built in 1996, the brainchild of Jerry Robert Willis. If that name sounds familiar to you, it should." Liv says.

Sadly, the name doesn't. But continue.

"Jerry was one of the last century's most sick and sadistic serial killers. Jerry spent most of the time cultivating similar sickos. I mean, these were the most depraved  people you could ever imagine. Often, Jerry and his crew would whisk away unsuspecting families to the Super Happy Fun Room." Liv continues.

This "Super Happy Fun Room" sounds like bad news already.

"Once inside, the families would be treated to a birthday cake and a private show by Willy Weasel. The shows would always end the same way. After numerous missing persons reports and suspicious smells coming from the inside of Willy's, the law felt it was time to investigate."

Like I said. Bad news.

"Jerry and his gang refused to be taken alive. After the police finally entered the Super Happy Fun Room, they discovered that Jerry and his crew had performed a satanic suicide ritual. Instead of surrendering, the killers decided to take their own lives. Those familiar with satanic rituals speculate that the suicide ritual was some sort of Katra transfer of energy where the memory and consciousness of the living relocate into non-living entities. In this case, the animatronic robots."

Dang, this is a dark history.

"Ten years later, Willy's reopens with a new owner, Tex Macadoo. He tries to keep the current public unaware of its horrific past. Things are wrong from the start. There's reports that the creatures would move on their own. Some would say things they weren't programmed to say. And others would kill and feast on the customers. After several ghastly incidents, Willy's closed its doors again. But Tex still doesn't bulldoze it to the ground. Why, you may ask?" Liv says.

This get's me to think for a little bit.

"Because Willy got to him. Convinced him to make a deal with the devil." The third male says for Liv.

Then the fourth male with the glasses steps into the conversation. "Along with all those other backwoods inbreds in this sorry town."

After listening to that story while cleaning up the kitchen, I decide to give them my name, so they know I can trust them.

I do that by using my finger to write "Val" in the dust of the counter.

"What is that?" Liv asks.

I point to myself.

"Oh, so your name is Val." She says after understanding what I was trying to say. "Well, you probably know my name already. It's Liv."

"I'm Chris." The first male with the blonde hair says. "That's Aaron..." He says as he points to the third male with the gray shirt. "That's Dan..." he says as he points to the fourth male with glasses. "And these two are... Wait, where'd Bob and Kathy go?" He asks.

I believe Bob is the second male that kept blaming Chris for falling through the roof, and Kathy is the other female in the group.

Just then, we all hear music playing in the main room.

"Look at all these naughty birthday boys and birthday girls. I think it's time for them to go nightie night." Willy says on the stage.

The group decides to leave the kitchen, which by the way is the safest place to be, to go see what the animatronics are doing.

They are going to get themselves killed.

And it's going to have to be up to me to save them. If I can, that is.

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