Chapter 6

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Val's POV

As I was cleaning the kitchen, I keep hearing music play from the stage. But I can barely hear it since the kitchen door is closed.

My timer went off and I was now on break.

I pull out a soda and drink it while sitting on one of the chairs.

After that, I continued to play on the pinball machine.

But as I was playing a few rounds, I kept hearing screaming from the teenagers. So I got a little worried.

Just as I thought about going to check up on them, my timer went off signaling the end of my break.

I throw the empty soda can into the trash can and speed walk out of the kitchen.

I soon enter the main room where the stage is and see Knighty Knight raising his sword above his head, about to strike down on Liv.

I run over and grab the sword from Knighty knight before he can kill Liv.

With Knighty Knight off guard, I take this opportunity to push him down to the ground. No he was weak.

So I grab him by the back of his armor and smash him into the wall.

I keep doing this until there is oil spilling out of his face and onto the wall. There was also oil splattering onto me.

I look behind me, while continuing to slam Knighty Knight into the wall, and see Liv staring at me in shock and surprise.

I then look back towards Knighty Knight and throw him to the floor.

He laid there limp. But I don't know if he is dead or not.

So I grab his sword and raise it above my head.

Off with your head!!! Lol.

I strike down and chop Knighty Knight's head off.

Oil now flies everywhere and gets on my shirt even more.

I slowly turn back to Liv to see her with the same expression from earlier, but this time with a little more concern.

But before I do anything else, I turn back to Knighty Knight and take a picture of him with my phone.

I also look down to the side to see Aaron laying on the floor lifeless. He had a big gash on his torso. Probably got stabbed by the sword.

I look back at Liv and nod in her direction before walking off down one of the hallways.

Now I just need to look for Liv's friends.

Liv follows after me. "I really need you to help me find my friends. Please." She says with worry in her voice.

That's what I am trying to do right now.

Just then, we hear a girl scream from one of the rooms. That sounds like Kathy, and Bob is probably in there with her.

We get closer to the door and see the words "Super Happy Fun Room" on the door.

"Oh, my God! Kathy!" Liv says while trying to open the door.

Seriously?! Why would you want to go into the Super Happy Fun Room? These two should have stayed with the group. Same with the other friends.

I move Liv out of the way and use all my strength to kick the door.

It took a few tries, but I was able to kick the door down.

The two of us enter the room to see Kathy and Bob's dead bodies laying there with blood all over them. They were laying there next to Arty the Alligator.

Arty looks up at us and stands up straight.

Liv starts to freak out while stepping back. But I stand my ground.

I walk over and grab Arty by his shirt before rolling back, causing him to flip over me. I use my legs to help kick him over me, to help with the momentum.

With Arty down, I get on top of him and start punching his snout. But that wasn't really doing any damage.

The next thing I do is use one hand to grab his jaw and the other hand to grab the top of his snout. I then start spreading his mouth open.

I didn't like doing this, but I had to. The more I spread his mouth open, the more sparks appear and the more oil splatters everywhere.

He wasn't moving. But to make sure he was dead, I reach into his mouth and rip out his voice box.

I grab a rag from my back pocket and start wiping my hands, trying to get as much oil off of them.

I stand up and pull out my phone. I then take a picture of Arty the Alligator.

After that was done, I turn around and walk past Liv, who had the same shocked expression when I was fighting with Knighty Knight.

She was still in the room, because she was looking at Kathy and Bob's dead bodies.

"I'm so sorry." She whispers before following me.

Liv and I walk down hallways to see if we can find the others.

We came into this one room that had lights flickering. So far, I didn't see anything. But then I saw it.

There was blood on the floor.

I follow the trail of blood, and it led to a foam pit. And there lays Dan's lifeless body.

We were too late.

Now the only person we have to find is Chris.

We continue down the hallway. And as we do that, we hear talking coming from the arcade room.

Liv and I enter the arcade room to see Chris standing in front of Cammy the Chameleon.

"Oh, Chris." Liv says.

"Liv, Liv, it's gonna be okay. We're gonna make a deal and-" Chris starts to say.

But before he can finish, Cammy wraps her long chameleon tongue around Chris' neck and starts to choke him.

Liv was so shocked and scared to see this.

After a few seconds, Chris goes limp.

Never make a deal with the devil.

Cammy slowly turns around to face us. "Wanna play. b*tch?" She asks.

I guess Cammy now realizes I was here. Since she only heard Liv speak, she probably thought Liv came here by herself.

I get in a fighting stance.

But before anyone can do anything else, my timer goes off.

Great. My timer had to go off this very second.

I look at them hesitant. But I come to a decision and hand Liv her knife.

I know it's not the best weapon to use when fighting a murderous animatronic, but at least it's better than no weapon at all.

I quickly make my way back into the kitchen.

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