celestoko // freezing.

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{ og post date: december 9th, 2020. sfw. word count: 1,801. }


the chill nipped painfully at toko's cheeks, the writer shifting under her covers to try and warm herself. she bunched into herself, minus an arm that was outstretched to the empty space next to her; she just barely opened her eyes to visually confirm there wasn't anyone besides her. there was a slight panic that ran through her, her hand clutching onto the bed sheets for a moment before she slowly let go of them.

close by, water was running from a faucet, which caused toko to relax as she was reassured she had not been left alone. she sat up and immediately wrapped her arms around her thin frame, swearing at the cold that she seemed to forget for a moment; it was december, the last weekend that will lead into another school week, then finally a short break. it should be considered illegal to have to attend classes in weather like this, she thought as she slipped out of bed.

as soon as her bare feet touched the floor she regretted it, the cold making her shiver even more than before. she can't believe they have never considered buying a rug for the bedroom, and prevent things like this to happen. by 'they' she means her and celestia, the girl who was nice enough to let toko stay with her due to her three parents suddenly... disappearing. this, at first, was awkward for her, especially when celestia lived alone before with only her cat, grand bois chéri ludenberg.

according to celestia, her parents had been the type to slowly neglect her as each birthday passed, and this snowballed to her having to take care of herself - in other words, grow up too fast. to cope with the lost childhood, she turned to her current interest and aesthetic, along with the very much against the law gambling. after plenty of months living there, they dived deeper and unlocked what were lies, such as her name is actually taeko yasuhiro; the weak side of her she did not want to turn back to.

she built a persona that was stronger, more elegant... celestia ludenberg was the one to keep her cool, be blunt but careful with her word choice, be in charge and control what she can. it was sad to hear about at first, one night toko having to witness the real taeko shine through and sob about her fears of reverting back to the weak daughter her parents ignored. this conversation led to them becoming closer, and celestia gave toko a B-rank (which, to her, meant she was her closest friend and important to her.)

of course, this only resulted in toko being comfortable enough to reveal her past, as well - and, without thinking, confessing to the alternate personality she had to share a body with. it came to a shock that celestia was living with someone who had an infamous killer as her second personality, a completely different person, but she didn't feel as though she was in danger. toko had been hesitant to believe her, yet came around when some late night she discussed how genocide syo was close to hurting her.

close to hurting her, but did not react negatively. celestia knew she would not be killed, but instead of being cocky with this information, she calmly talked to genocider as if she was any regular person - a normal roommate. that night marked when genocide syo found an odd liking for the gambler, finding her way of speech entertaining and way of dress alluring. that, and the things she tends to say made genocider laugh until she was in tears. though celestia knew toko did not favor the swaps when a certain trigger causes it, and this is where the support comes in.

even if she was on good terms with the serial killer, that doesn't mean she herself could convince her to calm her actions; her morals were completely opposite of toko's. thankfully, celestia could use words of encouragement to help toko gain the confidence to be the one to stay in control of her body. or, at least, slowly but surely open up to the idea of getting help from an outside factor. since then, their relationship grew, and the pair of friends helped one another when they were able to.

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