miaiko, monaca // the imperfect trio.

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{ og post date: february 27th, 2021. sfw. cw; panic attack. word count: 2,673. }


coming off from a week of exams, seiko surely was looking forward to a weekend of being with miaya and having the chance to be able to relax without any stress upon her shoulders. her girlfriend always knew how to calm her down, bring out her inner peace and vibe to the silence that usually occurred between the pair; that's what seiko loved about her. due to the lack of driving license and access to a vehicle, she resorted to walking to the small house she stayed in, not that it was a terrible issue. it helped her mind wander, scenarios popping up in her mind as she got closer to her destination. with a giddy bounce and hidden smile, seiko stepped up to the front door and went to ring the doorbell, until there was child-like laughs heard from inside.

she paused, finger hovering near the button as she drew a confused blank. this was miaya's house, right? taking in a breath, seiko slowly pushed the doorbell and heard the chime from inside, which was followed by an "i'll get it!" there was an uneasy feeling crawling in seiko, unable to reassure herself that she didn't make a mistake and run up to a stranger's doorstep. once the door opened, she was greeted by one of the kids that was apart of the elementary program at hope's peak academy.
monaca is the lil' ultimate homeroom, a green-haired girl who always wore a friendly yet eerie smile; just like the one she had at the moment that made the pharmacist feel as though she was entering hell.

"hiya, miss! are you big sis miaya's girlfriend?" asked monaca, who tilted her head in curiosity. the question made her even more confused, since when did miaya have a little sister? from all the times she's visited, this student has not been seen once.
"i-i am, are you related to her?" she responded and nervously held her hands together, a slight noise coming from her gloves when they rubbed together. as if on cue, miaya came into view from inside the home, along with the screen that displayed usami. just seeing her blue hair and mysterious eyes relieved her, not sure if she'd be able to handle a little kid around without miaya near her side the entire time.

"there you are, seiko! we've been waiting, do you remember monaca from school? she's been very excited to meet you!" exclaimed usami, who seemed to be speaking on her own from the way her inflection sounded and how she emoted her joy. stepping inside and watching monaca close the door, seiko gave the rabbit a slight shrug; "sort of, the only time i've associated myself with the elementary course was when i needed to give them cough drops."
"and monaca can't thank you enough for that, miss seiko, meow!" she balled her hands into fists and held them up with a bright expression. of course, now she remembers, monaca and her other group of friends had scratchy throats and needed something quick in order to sing for a mini showcase.

seiko ran a hand to the back of her neck, trying to process how they'd have a quiet afternoon with an energetic child looming around them. from the simple tense vibe, miaya began to type out her thoughts for usami to say. "monaca is my cousin that i've taken in for a while. her old home is not fit for her, so i wanted her to stay here until my mom got back to me about raising her." with that explanation given, she understood without further inquiries; she had her fair share of knowledge when it comes to parents not fitting that label at all.
"we've had a lot of fun since i moved in! big sis miaya let's me practice building little robot pals, possibly even better than the towa name in general," said monaca.

"that's nice. well, i hope i don't disturb anything going on here," said the pharmacist, as she followed the two into the kitchen. judging by the state it was in, they were trying to bake some sort of dessert.
"monaca likes to bake, but i think we keep messing up the measurements," hummed usami, as she tugged on her white ear before standing straight. "seiko, would you be okay with watching her while i go to my room and look for a book?" she finished, which was easy to tell this was miaya interrupting the bunny. responding with only a nod, her eyes followed her girlfriend as she left the kitchen to a room off to the left.

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