hiyonami // quest for ore.

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{ og post date: january 1st, 2021. sfw. word count: 1,967. }


waking up to an alarm, chiaki slapped her hand on her phone screen to dismiss the blaring audio. she had taken a nap, which originally was only going to last around half an hour, but she snoozed it a number of times that extended the nap to two hours instead. using her fist to rub the sleepiness from her eyes, chiaki sat up and looked around the room; monomi fell asleep on the bean bag near the tall bookcase pushed against the farthest wall, a manga laid open on her belly.

it would seem that the rabbit caught a few blinks, as well, which didn't bother her at all. she's been busy dealing with the gamer staying up all night as she played animal crossing, she deserved the rest. picking up her phone, chiaki noticed a few of her friends were trying to get into contact with her, including someone she's been crushing on for the last couple months - the yearning never stops when it came to hiyoko. she opened her messages and began to read what the words on her screen said.

"i need help with getting a golden apple in minecraft," read hiyoko's text, which made chiaki grin at the thought of being able to help her get the item she needed. getting herself out of bed, she shuffled over to the desk where her pc was and fell back in her gaming chair, then tapped on her phone screen with her thumbs.
"just woke up and started up mc now, want me to join your server?" after she sent this, chiaki pressed and held down the power button to the computer.

the two take turns when it comes to interests; one day they'd play video games in multiplayer, or just watch one another fight in single player, and a different day the girls will learn silly little dances that may or may not be practice for hiyoko. other times, however, they simply do the usual hangout plans, such as drinking coffee at a cafe or watching a movie at the theater. no matter what they do, the time would be cherished by chiaki and replayed in her mind - usually in inappropriate times, like in class.

there was a ping from her phone, her screen lighting up, and she read the notification she received. something about the server they shared is where she wants to hunt for golden apples, despite the real objective being to get an apple from an oak tree and have enough gold ingots to do a 3x3 grid on the crafting table. blinking, chiaki replied fast then set her phone aside so she could log into minecraft, butterflies in her stomach creating a sense of anticipation. she likes to think this is the equivalent to an actual date.

entering the world and watching the loading screen, chiaki began to debate if she should ask about either getting on call or joining a discord voice chat. it would be easier to communicate, plus she'd have the ability to listen to the commentary hiyoko makes whenever they are busy doing their thing. this thought was tossed out the window as soon as her phone ringed suddenly, her eyes darting down to the small screen to see the accept and deny icons; the traditional dancer made a decision before being asked.

"hi there, bud, what influenced you to want golden apples?" asked chiaki, as she kept the phone in her hand and used her free hand to run over to where hiyoko's character stood.
"i saw some random post about them and thought i'd be cool if i had my own! i have a shit ton of apples, all i need are those weird bars of gold." she answered, as she tapped a key so her character crouched down and pulled out the bundle of apples she's collected over the past few weeks. it was cute, she could almost see hiyoko's scrunched up nose while focused on the controls.

chiaki let out a soft laugh and took out her diamond pickaxe, since she is able to find the material easily without issue. "then let's go find a cave. i know we haven't been west yet, so there's got to be areas that are craving to be stolen of its resources."
"strange way to word that, but okay! i think i have torches in my inventory... uhm, it doesn't matter if it is night or not when in a cave, right? like with the little bitch ass monsters?"
"nope, you can protect me as i get your gold," said chiaki, who found what she said funny.

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