implied kirumugi // wandering thoughts.

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{ og post date: march 14th, 2021. sfw. cw; suggestive implications. word count: 3,060. }


she could be spending her friday afternoon anywhere else, but there she was, sweeping the front of the empty classroom. not that it was an issue - as the ultimate maid, it made her feel useful to have her talent help out even if it wasn't her turn to clean up. it isn't like she had a packed schedule for her evening, either, surprisingly.
kirumi watched as the broom's bristles collected the dirt on the floor, piling it into a specific spot that she'd push onto the dustpan whenever she finished the front of the room. the noise of it scraping against the cold surface put her at ease; a reassuring sound to her, one she was absolutely familiar with.

shifting away from the teacher's podium and near one of the rows of desks closest to the side wall, she thought about the students that sat in each seat. rantaro, korekiyo, gonta, and kokichi. she was not too close to any of them, nor did she care for them as people, but will commit to the tasks given to her by them. sharpening pencils, picking up papers, cleaning up pen ink on the desktops... sometimes she questions the childish nature of them, mainly when she notices the broken pens in their hands and shocked expressions that the flimsy utensil would make a mess.
she thought about her fellow classmates in this row, nothing but the idiotic shenanigans they get up to when they have a free day. as simple as that.

after pushing the dirt and scraps of paper into her dustpan, along with trashing the contents, she moved to the first middle row. kaede, maki, kiibo, and miu. she stared down at the desks, more or less forgetting kiibo had existed for a moment. she didn't have much of an issue with him, unlike the other three boys (gonta is simply naive and too nice to realize the destructive actions.) however she spent the most time with her sweeping near the girl's seats, mind drifting to images of the female students.
a photogenic brain, easily able to picture people, places, or things she's seen without much effort - that doesn't mean she tends to blank on who is in her class, of course. sometimes she did find it beneficial, whether for doing her assignments or to inform someone of what she witnessed. again, she enjoyed the thought that she was useful.

kirumi shifted her arms so she could reach the broom under the seat, knowing there wouldn't be much considering kaede was the type to keep her and her surroundings tidy. it wasn't hard to assume this; her hair consistently stayed combed and rested on her shoulders, her clothes always tucked into her printed skirt, her face quickly washed and applied with a bit of eye makeup, and her nails constantly trimmed and painted with polish. often a simple pink shade, similar to her eye color, or white with black music notes dotted on only her ring fingers.
even the way she revealed herself to everyone would give off the 'respect' vibe. spoke clear, gaze strong, manners present.

sighing a soft, inaudible breath, she went on to clear out the odd amount of dirt and sand under maki's desk. this did not bother kirumi as much, as she was aware the girl spent most of her time outside engaging in a number of activities everyone vaguely knew of. she is the type to not worry about getting wet as it downpoured, and not bat an eye if the clumps of moist dirt on her heels were to track around inside any building. the maid favored her quiet, mysterious demeanor over most of the students in the class; though, she is a bit disappointed to know maki does not want or need her assistance as often as others. there were boundaries with that sort of topic, and to a degree, she understood why this is.
this does not mean she attempts to offer herself to either take her finished work to the professor, or perhaps offer if she needs a subject re-explained - kirumi is always quick to notice the blank or clueless expression on the mutual's face. her eyes squinted ever so slightly as she reread the words on the page, her body tensed just enough to prove the gears in her head were running. you'd have to be a real observant being in order to catch these details.

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