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TW: Vomiting

Korekiyo's POV.

Me and Ouma stepped into the smaller room, looking for clues to the mastermind. The room we were in was next to the library. It had dusty walls and a small wooden desk in the far corner with papers on them. It was obvious no one had been in here for a while.

Suddenly I heard the door slam shut, "Ouma? Was that you?" I asked as turned to face him. He seemed to be in distress. He shook his head and tried to open the door. He failed after multiple tries and backed up to the wall. He put his hand over his mouth and slid down the wall.

I stopped what I was doing and quickly walked towards him, "hey, are you okay?" I asked, he shook his head. I reached my hand out only for it to be swatted away.

"D-don't touch me!" He exclaimed, I sighed, then it hit me. A small room, locked door, it's claustrophobia. I gave him a sympathetic smile and rubbed his back, "You're okay, we'll get out okay?" I said, he gave me a half nod then his eyes widened.

"W-wait if we don't?! What if no one finds us?!" His words were cut off by a gag. He got up and ran to a corner, throwing up. He fell to his knees and held onto the wall for support.

I walked towards him and picked him up, knowing he was most likely about to pass out. Suddenly I heard footsteps from outside the door. I quickly walked towards it.

"Hey! Let us out please! We're a little stuck." I said, the door opened, the one who opened it was Kaito.

"Oh, what happened to him?" He asked, "I shouldn't be the one to tell you, not knowing if he wants it out." I said, he nodded and I left with Kokichi still in my arms. I blushed slightly, seeing his peaceful sleeping face.

I walked towards our dorms and laid him on his bed, making sure everything would be perfect when he woke up. I left with a smile.

"Did you kill him?" Miu asked, I shook my head, "No, I just put him in his dorm." I said and walked off.

Later in the day Kokichi walked in the dining room with his normal annoying self. He sat beside me.

"Hey, I wanted to thank you for trying to help me later and carrying me back to my dorm." He said, I nodded, "What type of person would I be if I didn't?" I asked, he shrugged and leaned his head against my shoulder, making me blush slightly.

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