You're okay

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Requested by Xxcloud2010xX


Kokichi's POV.

I skipped down the hall toward Kiyo's room. I was bored and wanted to annoy him since he's not easy to anger. I busted open the door and walked in.

"Kiyo~!" I exclaimed. I looked around, not seeing him, "hm where is-" I cut myself off when I heard sobbing. It sounded like it came from the bathroom. I slowly walked in to see a crying Korekiyo with a smashed lipstick container next to him.

"Kiyo?" I said, his head jolted up from his knees, "W-what are you d-doing here?" He asked. I sighed and sat next to him, "Can I touch you?" I asked. He nodded and I pulled him into a hug.

"Tell me what happened." I said, "I-I... She's here... She's always here! I see her in the mirror and I hear her voice!" He exclaimed. I could tell he was starting to panic again.

"Hey, hey, it's okay, you're okay. She can't get you, she's gone. You just see yourself." I said, trying to ca him down. He shook his head. I sighed and brushed my fingers through his hair.

"You don't wanna look like her right?" I asked, he nodded, "then let's cut this hair and throw all your makeup away. How does that sound?" His face perked up from my chest and he smiled.

"I'd like that" I nodded and grabbed some scissors from the sink, "turn around so I can see what I'm doing" I said, "You can wipe off the lipstick while I do this" I proceeded to cut his hair to a shoulder length.

"You look so good!" I exclaimed, "really?" Korekiyo asked

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"You look so good!" I exclaimed, "really?" Korekiyo asked. I nodded and pulled him up off the ground.

"Thank you for this, Kokichi" he said. I smiled and hugged him. He put on his mask and started walking out before I grabbed his hand.

"We're not done~!" I said, he gave me a confused and concerned look.

"Do you have an aesthetic you like?" I asked, "Well, I'm a fan of cottagecore" he said. My eyes lit up. I dragged him from his bathroom to my dorm.

"Kokichi what are we doing!?" He asked, "You like dresses too right?" I said, he nodded.

"Monobitch got me some dresses because I like to do childish things like dress up with Miu. I have a bunch of cottagecore dresses that are just your size!" I explained. I could tell Korekiyo was smiling from under his mask.

"Here, try this one on" I said. I handed him a cream dress that had muted colored flowers on it along with a brown belt. He thanked me and went into the bathroom to put it on.

I heard him squeal from happiness, "Thank you so much!" He exclaimed, I chuckled softly as he hugged me.

We walked out of my room and into the dining room, "You look so good Korekiyo!" Angie exclaimed as she put her hands in a praying form. He thanked her and we sat down with her, Rantaro, and Gonta. Korekiyo held my hand the entire time we ate.

I suck at comfort things despite being the therapist and mom friend of my group :')

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