Korekiyo's Execution

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Kokichi's POV.

I silently watched as Kiyo got voted out, tears threatening to spill from my eyes.

"D-dammit Kiyo, why did you kill them?" I said trying to not cry. He gave me a sympathetic look then stared at the ground.

"I apologize, 'Kichi." I started to tremble and ran to hug him.

"Please don't leave!" I exclaimed, the anthropologist rubbed my back and shushed me.

"It's okay, you'll see me in the afterlife." He gave me a small smile, "I hate to break this up but IT'S PUNISHMENT TIME!" Monokuma announced. My eyes widened, I gripped onto his shirt tightly repeating 'Don't go' over and over again.

"H-hey, you'll b-be okay, D-don't k-kill anyone okay?" I could tell Korekiyo was choking back sobs, then he was taken away. I felt his grip on me slip away. We reached our hands out toward each other, unable to touch.

"Korekiyo!" I exclaimed, tears falling down my cheeks.

I watched as he boiled, blood coming from his eyes. He was obviously in agony. I fell to my knees as he finally died, repeating his name.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, it was Shuichi, "H-hey are you okay?" He asked, I got up and tried to put my mask up again, failing.

"Y-yeah! I-I'm just f-faking!" I exclaimed, the detective obviously didn't believe it.

"I know it hurts, I felt the same with Kaede, she was a great friend." He said, I looked at him, "Me and Kiyo... We weren't friends... More like we loved each other" I said, now facing the ground and clenching my fists. Shuichi's eyes widened and he pulled me into a hug.

"Everything will be okay, I promise" I cried into his shirt for what seemed like hours before I got up and walked away from the others.

It had been three days since Korekiyo's execution. I wasn't eating, drinking, sleeping. I wasn't taking care of my mental or physical health at all. I decided I should leave my room and be social, even though most hated me here.

I opened my door and sat next to Kiibo and Miu. I didn't insult them, call them names, mess with their ahoges, nothing. I just sat there and stared at the table. I could feel the pitiful looks I was given, "I don't need your pity." I mumbled, Miu sighed and pulled me toward her chest while Kiibo massaged my scalp.

"You can cry, Kokichi. You need to anyways" Kiibo said, I nodded and immediately started letting some tears fall. The others looked at me confused or concerned.

"Since when did you care for Shinguji?" Maki asked, "Since we became a couple... I don't wanna talk about him right now okay? Just let me have this moment" I replied. The other nodded, except Himiko.

"HE KILLED TENKO! HE WAS ALSO A FREAK!" Himiko yelled as she slammed her hands onto the table. I flinched and jolted up.

"YOU'D STILL CARE FOR HER IF SHE KILLED SOMEONE WOULDN'T YOU!? WELL THAT'S HOW I FEEL SHUT THE HELL UP!" I shouted back louder. We went back and forth like this for a while until I got up.

"Fuck you magician, unlike you, I feel betrayed by him and it fucking hurt." I said. Himiko looked down and I walked out, Miu and Kiibo following me.

"Kokichi!" The two exclaimed in unison, I kept walking, "Let us help you-" Kiibo started but was interrupted by me, "I DON'T CARE!" I shouted before slamming my door in their face. I slid down the door and sobbed, "Why did you do this?" I asked.

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