He just needs a hug

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Korekiyo's POV.

Kokichi was still being his normal frustrating self, however, something was different. He seemed more tense and less happy. He also got angered easily now.

It made sense due to the fact that Kirumi was just brutality executed three days ago and Kokichi saw her as a mother figure.

At the moment Kokichi was yelling at Kaito, "Can you shut up for once!? Like damn!" He exclaimed. Kaito looked taken aback.

"What!? All I said was that Kirumi practically had no reason to kill Ryoma!" Kaito shouted back. To be honest this was getting tiring. I looked back at Kokichi, who seemed on the verge of crying.

I sighed and stood from my seat, walking towards the two purple haired boys. I wrapped my arms around Kokichi and felt his tense posture relax. Suddenly there were a few sobs and my uniform became wet. He was crying.

I stroked his head and rubbed his back, " She's in a better place now, Kichi. " I said as I looked up at Kaito. He seemed confused.

" Why the hell is he crying?" I sighed and rubbed my temples, " He taught himself to hide his emotions from you all because he fears most of you. " I said slightly annoyed.

The others eyes widened," So, he's scared of us? " Angie said as she tilted her head. Kokichi shook his head, " The only ones that don't scare me are Kiyo, Miu, Angie, and Shuichi. " He said. I gave him a sympathetic look.

I picked up the little leader and carried him to his room, basically rocking him as I walked. He soon started to fall asleep but tried to stay awake, "You can fall asleep if you'd like, I don't mind staying with you" I said, he nodded and closed his eyes.

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