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A/N: hope ya don't mind the little notes I put here. Anyways I like this one lmaooo so enjoy

Ethan POV:

"Oh shit" Ethan said, slapping his hand to his forehead. He was in his boxers in the middle of his room (don't question it..), just now realizing he was supposed to be at his friend Katherine's party. He had promised her he would be there!!

How could I forget? I'm such an idiot ugh Ethan said to himself, grabbing for the first clothes he could find, which happened to be an old (very old) pair of grey sweatpants (😏), and a worn out sweatshirt. These'll do I guess he was thinking, tugging them on and taking his phone from the bedside table behind him.

There were eight texts from Katherine. Shit.

K : Ethan where the hell are you?

Ethan did you seriously forget

Are you taking a nap or smth?



Ethan seriously are you dead or something


I'm going to enjoy myself without you!

Ethan read all the texts. One of them stood out more than the rest...is this because of Mark? Ethan thought to himself, slightly blushing. Maybe just maybe theres a chance he'd been standing in the middle of the room thinking about Mark. He hadn't known he was going to be at the party though until just then, so it wasn't because of him right?

And he definitely wasn't going because now he knew he would be there...noooo that could never be him.

Mark POV:

"Are you sure Ethan's coming? I don't see him anywhere Katherine", Mark said, crossing his arms and raising an eyebrow at the slightly drunk Katherine.

"Ohhh my god Mark he's going to be here I just know it. He promised me, and I swear to god I will slap him to the moon if he doesn't come", she said, rolling her eyes. "I even told him you were here, and if that doesn't convince him, I don't know WHAT will", Katherine's drink sloshed as she spoke, and Mark smirked at that thought.

Mark had an inkling that Ethan had a crush on him. He knew that Katherine shipped him and Ethan together, and so did Amy. (NOTE: AMY IS JUST A FRIEND IN THIS STORY :) A GOOD ONE THAT WOULD SUPPORT THE TWO OF THEM!). Mark looked at his watch. The time read 8:23 pm. Exactly 17 minutes later, Ethan arrived.

Ethan POV:

Finally I was there oh my god. I was so relieved to see that there was still a party, and that Katherine wasn't standing in the doorway like an angry best friend bear.

I was especially happy to see that Mark was in the front hallway for some reason, in all his big-muscled, smooth skinned, sleek black hair, and perfect di- I mean face, glory. He smiled at me, and my heart did a little cartwheel.

Mark POV:

I don't know exactly why, but seeing Ethan in that doorway standing so disheveled, messy hair, slightly sweating, and panting breaths, turned me on. I gave him a smile, a friendly one, but then some feeling of flirtatiousness overcame me, and I winked at him.

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