Chapter 1

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The first thing you did when you found out your neighbor's car was alive was, well scream.

Your eyes were as wide as saucers, and you stumbled backwards, falling flat on your butt. Sam was waving his hand around crazily to try and get you to calm down, but it was damn near impossible. You'd just been making a trip to the grocery store. You usually took shortcuts, and since it was already dark, you figured you zip over there quickly. What caught your attention was the head of dark hair in the park you rode by. 

He looked pretty familiar, and there were bright lights flashing and a voice. Being the naturally curious person you were, you decided to check it out. Both of the people chatting were really in there pretty deep. You should have taken that as a sign, but you couldn't help it. So after dropping your bike and walking deeper into the forest, you hid behind one of the many tall trees to scope out the scene. 

The very large robot standing in front of your neighbor was not what you were expecting. Neither was the shrill scream you let out. They both turned in your direction, and that's what landed you in your current predicament. Now on the ground trembling in fear, you were fighting to get a steady breath out.

"Calm down he's not going to hurt you!" said robot was holding a pretty huge cannon that was pointed in your direction. His face plate was drawn, and if you didn't know better, you would have thought he was standing protectively in front of sam.

"Bee calm down." you felt like the air was being sucked out of your lungs, and Sam rushed to your side when he realized what was happening.

"What's wrong doc." Bumblebee's radio moved through the stations, and you were still struggling to gather your bearings. Sam was sitting in front of you, trying to guide your breaths back to normal. "In and out slowly come on. Breathe." you nodded slowly, trying to match his patterns. Bumblebee finally lowered his hand, flicking up the face plate. 

Now that he was no longer threatening you with a weapon, you looked at him fully. With steady breaths, you watched a bit curiously at the way his blue otics glimmered in a similar way. He was just staring now, not guarding or getting ready for a battle.

"I can't believe what I'm seeing.." How was it even possible. Aliens weren't real, at least that's what you thought.

"Where...did you come from?"

Sam chuckled awkwardly.

"Well, that's a long story."

It's not like you had anything better to do now, you had time. 


"And well that's how we met. I guess you can say Bee and I are a great team." You were partially listening and partly praying this was all a dream you would wake up from. 

"Hey we can you give you a ride back if you-"

"No!" you raised your hands, and Sam looked a bit startled at your yell. 

"I-I'm fine, I can get back on my own." In truth, you needed to get out of there, to get away from them. 

"Listen, I know this is hard to comprehend. We'd really appreciate it if you just kept it between us. " 

Who the hell would believe you if you said anything. You were standing right there it was still a challenge to wrap your head around. 

"I-I won't say a thing, I promise." You were horrified that if you did they would find you and do who knows what. So backpedaling cautiously, you picked up your bike, ready to get the hell out of there. You tried to keep your gaze on anything but the giant robot. He raised his hand and you flinched freezing in your spot. 

You released a breath when all he did was wave. You didn't return it, barely looking  at him. Jumping unto your bike, you took off again. You heart felt like it was racing at the same pace that you were pedaling at. Your hands were fighting to remain steady and firm at the handles. You couldn't afford to have another panic attack. 

When your form disappeared, Sam looked weary. 

"She's...afraid?" Bumblebee asked. Sam could only nod.

"I don't blame her. It's hard finding out about all this. I freaked out the first time I found out about you." 

Oh, he remembered. 

"Keep an eye on her." Bumblebee inquired. 

"For now, give her space. We don't want to freak her out anymore than she already has. " 

Life was about to get a bit more complicating. 

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