Chapter 5

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So, rather than dealing with the problem like a mature person, you settled for ducking Bumblebee. It was cruel, he did absolutely nothing wrong, but you couldn't face him. You were going on day five without any kind of communication. It was getting harder because he pretty much knew your schedule. You were positive he picked on it, because he started swinging by in the mornings, which made it that much harder to slip away.

Hence the reason you were now mopping your school's hallway. Because of your need to evade the cute Autobot, you'd been coming into classes late almost everyday. You had to take the longer route to school, you couldn't help that. And it wasn't like you could explain the situation to your teacher. You ran the mop along the floor slowly, dazing off.

You missed Bumblebee like crazy. Talking with him, staring at the sky, hugging him.

You wanted to slap yourself, why did you let something so foolish as a dream dictate everything.

"I'm done." you weren't going to run like a coward anymore. After this, you would march over there and apologize to him, hopefully he still wanted to be your friend.

"Oh, hello, usually I'm the last one here." your eyes refocused and you stared at the male now standing in front of you. He was wearing a suit and glasses. He looked like a teacher, but you were almost positive you'd never seen him before. Giving a polite smile you nod, moving to place the mop into the bucket.

"Yes, a little detention. My fault really. Anyway I was just about to leave. I'm about done."

"Leaving so soon (Y/N)." The way he said your name made your hair stand on end. Deciding that maybe this guy was some type of serial killer, you gave a nervous laugh.

"W-Well I should get going, my mom must be wondering where I am right about now." You didn't even bother to place the mop back in it's designated area. You were pretty sure the janitor would prefer you escape a potential psychopath over returning the item.

"Can't let you do that sweetie." he removed the glasses, and you took a step back. The color of his eyes changed to an almost demonic bright red, and your heart nearly stopped when his body started changing into a machine. You spun around, taking off in a sprint, there was no doubt that thing was following behind. Blasting out the door, you jumped over the short flight of steps, landing harshly, but still pushing forward. You picked a random direction, trying your hardest to increase your pace.

You tried to fight the tears that were now spilling from your eyes, but it was useless, if that thing caught you, you'd be done for. You made another sharp turn, only looking back for a split second to see if it was still following. You couldn't even recognize the street you were on, your only focus was running as fast and far away as possible. 

When your gaze redirected to the front, you grunted as your body connected full on with the car in front of you. Your body went right against the windshield, and you rolled all the way over the top, the pain running over your body like a wave. Your form crashed to the ground, and you let out a cry of pain, breath heaving as you struggled to get to your feet. It took you a second to realize you'd gotten yourself on an empty street. There was no one around. No one to see, no one to protect you. You were alone, all alone.

The car before you grew in size, and you looked up, watching the way the robot hovered over you like a dark cloud. There was a sick way in which it leered down at you.

"I'd never understand why those autobots are so fond of you humans, you're such useless fragile things. Insignificant. " Moving just your arm felt like a challenge, so getting your body to stand upright was out of the question. Sobbing, your eyes caught the insignia that was engraved at the bottom of his leg. The pointed edge was a dead give away.

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