Chapter 7

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The base was usually quiet in the mornings. Working with the soldiers, as well as the government was never something they truly thought would happen, but very beneficial for both sides. With Megatron gone, and a few of the Decepticons still out there causing trouble, their guard was up. Bumblebee reported back after his regular rounds to check on his human charges.

"Bumblebee, how is (Y/N) (L/N). Has she fully recovered from the last ordeal."

Bumblebee saluted with a nod. Physically you were better, but he's learned enough about humans to understand that certain wounds took a little longer to heal. He was a warrior, trained for battle. You weren't. 

An experience like that could have killed you, yet you still decided to be his friend, you still wanted to stay by his side. He'd never be able to fully describe how much that meant to him. Your discovery of his existence was never planned, yet he couldn't see a day where he'd wake up and not wish to see your face smiling back at him with that brilliant glow. In his eyes, you were like an angel, sent just for him.

Ratchet's eyes narrowed at the wistful expression written on the younger autobots face.

"Bumblebee, you haven't fallen for that human girl, have you?" 

Optimus's head turned at the evaluation, and Ironhide caught the conversation. They all knew that Bumblebee was quite fond of humans in general. They all were. But he of all seems the most trusting of them. As Optimus had pointed out once, that was both a strength and a weakness.

Bumblebee suddenly felt cornered by the question. The incoherent sounds zipping on the radio did nothing to clear his case. When Optimus's eyes fixed on him, he lowered his head. He felt like he'd broken some rule, or order. Even though he'd done no such thing.

"Bumblebee, our duty among all else is to protect them." 

Although he was their superior, he couldn't control their feelings. What made him a successful leader was his ability to understand and work with their different views and opinions on situations. They all knew the purpose on earth. But it wasn't just limited to that. With the destruction of their home planet, they needed to find a new way of life here on this planet. So falling in love, it wasn't something he completely ruled out. Especially for them.

"I cannot control how you feel, however I do advise that you proceed with caution. The prospect of a relationship with a human for us is..not very common." 

He didn't want to discourage him, but he also didn't know the full extent of your relationship with Bumblebee. Even if you did return his feelings, Bumblebee would never be able to provide the same kind of relationship that another human man could for you. Once Bumblebee realized that, it may take a toll on him.

"Perhaps there is a way.." Optimus pondered.

An idea struck him.One that he was sure could assist not just the humans but also set a future for Bumblebee.

"You're dismissed Bumblebee." 

The yellow autobot didn't need much convincing to leave. The entire conversation had put him in a mood. The scratching of his wheels echoed and once he was out of the building, Ratchet turned in his direction. "It's foolish to give him false hope, Prime. There is no way such a relationship would work, with a human of all things."

"I believe there's a way we can protect the humans from the inside, which would also benefit Bumblebee."

Ironhide was more than a little interested.

"Blend in with the humans? I'm listening."

That night when he pulled up to your apartment, he made it his mission to get the lingering conversation off his mind. He would enjoy his time with you.

"Bee look what I got!" you were so excited when you stepped out. Door opening on instinct, he waited eagerly for you to take a seat. " You stepped in front and his headlights lit up at the phone case you were showing him. It was a yellow and black patterned case, with his insignia on it. He peeped the horn and you giggled, getting into the car as you buckled up. 

"I'm happy you like it. I had it specially made. Drew the insignia myself. " you boast.

"It's awesome!" Came his response. You were still smiling widely. You knew you liked it just as much as he did. You felt like even when you were away from him you would still have this part of him.

Bumblebee has taken off. He's realized a long time ago that he's connected to you. Although physically it may never be possible, this emotional link, it's far from what most people could ever hope for. He's lucky. He knows that. He also knows that by being with you, he's robbing you of so much. It's selfish of him to still pursue you with all this knowledge. The hardest part of his comrades' words is the truth behind it all. But how do you distance yourself from something you cherish? 

Someone you love.

The right choice in this instance won't be easy. He's not sure he'll be able to make such a decision. But for now, he wants you. So he'll do what he can to keep you as close as he possibly can. 

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